Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – 02/04

Plenty of new snow. Groomers will be running tonight on some areas and finishing up Monday.

I am receiving a lot of messages from people saying corners are icy why are we not grooming?

It’s simple YOU CANT GROOM ICE!!!!!

Unless you’ve groomed and know the basics of how a groomer works or have been to a groomer training class do not message me telling me we should groom. We needed snow to fill holes, ruts, water holes and bumps that are froze and cannot be fixed without snow.
Second, contrary to belief your sled can ride on powder, some people prefer it. The guidelines after a good snow is let sleds pack it so the groomers can actually see what needs fixing.
We will be on our regular grooming schedule starting Monday.

Now quit messaging me, I’ve got some deep snow to ride!!!! Gotta go!!

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


2/1/18 – Hi all! Happy February 1st! I don’ have a lot of good news but a little start of good news hopefully! It is snowing and we are under an advisory for possible 4-8" over the next few days. Here’s to hoping that since it’s lake effect, that it surprises us with more! Trails are not great since it’s hard snow and ice now after the melt and the groomers are parked till we get a bunch of snow. So, let’s hope this LE drops some serious snow! So, Do your snow dance, send your prayers, whatever works to get our Winter back! So, I’ll talk at y’all soon! Carol



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February 4, 2018 | Uncategorized

Benzie Area Trail Report – 02/03

Please note CLUB HOUSE will be open today we’ve received another couple of inches of snow last night excepting more snow today, tonight and Sunday. Trails are rideable but lots of ice under the snow. As of now groomers will start there normal schedule on Monday.

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


2/1/18 – Hi all! Happy February 1st! I don’ have a lot of good news but a little start of good news hopefully! It is snowing and we are under an advisory for possible 4-8" over the next few days. Here’s to hoping that since it’s lake effect, that it surprises us with more! Trails are not great since it’s hard snow and ice now after the melt and the groomers are parked till we get a bunch of snow. So, let’s hope this LE drops some serious snow! So, Do your snow dance, send your prayers, whatever works to get our Winter back! So, I’ll talk at y’all soon! Carol



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February 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.