Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/12

Groomers are parked till the weather cools back down. If you would like to help us please stay off the groomed trails until it refreeze this will preserve our base that we have. Thanks from the SnowBirds

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Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


01/12 – HI there, Sorry, still not good news. It rained for almost two staright days and was super warm in the high 40’s low 50’s! We have lost a huge amount of snow, so trails are not good at all. The MSA and Benzie Manistee Snowbirds have asked folks to stay off them! It’s not safe, smart or fun to be out there and it makes a disaster for them to clean up later! Groomers are parked till at least next week when the cold returns and only IF we get more snow. So, do your snow dance that we get our awesome Winter back fast! THANKS Tons for always following and for emailing me Lloyd! I appreciate it! So, I’ll talk at ya as soon it changes out there! At least its cold again, now pray for snow! Carol



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January 12, 2018 |

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/08

Trails are heating up. We now have a firm base right there on the bear lake trail. Groomer Jeff was able to make flat again.

Maple city tractor had a minor issue. It only was groomed one way and with major traffic is very rough. Trail will be fixed this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks Kirby’s for help parking and plugging in.

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


01/05 – HI and TGIF! Welcome to the wonderful Winter Wonderland folks! We just keep getting LE snow with still more forecast right thru the weekend! It’s looking like one of our good "old" Winters with all the snow! There is lots of snow and it is gorgeous out there and the trails are pretty great! Groomers are out, working their schedule! All trails are on a fairly regular grooming schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights! Most grooming is done at night usually but always BE CAREFUL and remember one could be right around the corner! PLEASE IF you see one, GET ALL THE WAY outta their way and give them a thumbs up, they’re out there working for you! The season is upon us! LOVE your pics and emails, so don’t forget me! Seeya on the trails! Carol



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January 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.