Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/05

Got snow we sure do Groomer Drivers are out do what they do best making them trails flat and smooth…

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


01/05 – HI and TGIF! Welcome to the wonderful Winter Wonderland folks! We just keep getting LE snow with still more forecast right thru the weekend! It’s looking like one of our good "old" Winters with all the snow! There is lots of snow and it is gorgeous out there and the trails are pretty great! Groomers are out, working their schedule! All trails are on a fairly regular grooming schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights! Most grooming is done at night usually but always BE CAREFUL and remember one could be right around the corner! PLEASE IF you see one, GET ALL THE WAY outta their way and give them a thumbs up, they’re out there working for you! The season is upon us! LOVE your pics and emails, so don’t forget me! Seeya on the trails! Carol



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January 6, 2018 | Uncategorized

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/02


BENZIE / MANISTEE AREA UPDATE via Benzie Manistee Snowbirds – Grand traverse bay marina doing some sled testing with Club President Mark Ryan Coe
Trails look pretty good!….

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


12/31 – Happy New Year! We have just kept on getting snow over the last few days! It’s gorgeous and trails are good! Groomers are out and working their schedule! All trails are on a regular grooming schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights! Most grooming is done at night typically but always BE CAREFUL and remember one could be right around the corner so if ya see on, get outta their way and give them a thumbs up, they’re out there working for you! Keep your eyes out and be safe! Yay! The season is upon us! GET OUT AND ENJOY! Seeya on the trails! Carol



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January 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.