Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – Explore Benzie – 01/04

January 4 – Hi all and Happy Hump Day! I don’t have much different to tell here unfortunately. The warm temps and rain took lots of snow away unfortunately, then the temps dropped and we got 2-3′ of snow but that’s not much on top of the ice that the melting snow turned into. Then back to a couple warm days again, and now super cold and winter weather advisory but the real snow seems to be coming down to the North and not here. What little snow is coming down is blowing around big time. So, trails are not good. The super cold may help harden the bit of a base started but it’s simple – WE NEED SNOW! So, again, I say – keep up the good vibes and prayers that we get more snow and lots of it! We need it bad! So – I’ll check back in if and when it changes! Till next time – Seeya on the trails, Carol



January 3

Trails have not changed. Maybe worse with the 2 days warm temps.
Supposed to get cold tonight which will harden what little base we have.
We’re expecting lake effect over the next few days.

I will report once there in decent

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January 4, 2017 |

Benzie Area Trail Report – Explore Benzie – 12/26

December 26 – Hi all! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Well we got some good snow last week and the trails were looking pretty good for early season but now it’s all flipped. Last night we saw heavy rain, even thunderstorms! Now today is 50 degrees and sunny! Boo! Hey – I love the sun, but not with 50 degrees! It looks like there is some snow and colder temps in the forecast for later this week so keep up the good vibes and prayers that we get more snow! Till next time – Seeya on the trails, Carol



December 21

Trails are ok but we are getting warm and sloppy!
Please use caution, sleds don’t handle great in the slush.

We WILL NOT be grooming until temperatures drop and we get snow.
Not looking good for the holiday week

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Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


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December 26, 2016 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.