Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/23

We had a lot of sled traffic today! Groomer Steve making them look like new!


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Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


Benzie Visitor Bureau – 1/22

Hi all & TGIF! Pretty short and sweet! We have lots of snow! Groomers are out hot and heavy making it awesome for ya! Get out there and ride! Groomers suggest riding your side, especially with the weekend traffic! Everyone is riding the middle so if more rode their side it would hold up better! If ya like a group ride, rumor has it that there is a group of guys meeting up at Geno’s in T-ville at 11. They ride all day and possibly into the evening, heading south, usually doing about 200 miles! SHOUT OUT – THANKS tons to FedEx Lloyd & Cincinnati Steve for the emails I LOVE hearing from y’all out there! Ok, well, nothing else to say but CYA on the trails! Carol





Visit Explore Benzie Website >>>>


Latest Trail Reports – Quick Links


January 24, 2016 |

Benzie Area Trail Report – Explore Benzie – 01/22

January 21 – We groomed the south section last night between Newaygo sports park up to Croswell. Everytime we go out it keeps getting better. North of m -20 is really getting nice. The big area that they have been timbering is done, little north of 3-mile they have a little to finish. Most of the holes are now filled and no water showing anywhere in our system. Only had 6 sleds pass me early but never had any pass on the return groom. South who ever rides it should have a nice flat trail.

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


Benzie Visitor Bureau – 1/19

Hi all! Pretty short and sweet! We have lots of snow! Groomers are out hot and heavy making it awesome for ya! Get out there and ride! SHOUT OUT – THANKS tons to FedEx Lloyd & Cincinnati Steve for the emails I LOVE hearing from y’all out there! Ok, well, nothing else to say but CYA on the trails! Carol




Visit Explore Benzie Website >>>>


Latest Trail Reports – Quick Links


January 22, 2016 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.