Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/11

January 11 – Groomers will be out all week. Keep in mind we are in early stages of building a good base. This means we are using snow to fill large holes, TRUCK RUTS, and water holes. With this weeks snow forecast we should be in good condition by the weekend. I’ll update tomorrow after I blast through all the fresh stuff on my ride!

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


Benzie Visitor Bureau – 1/11

Hi all! Yeehah! We got snow and conditions are getting better every day now! We received between 4-8′ of system snow first, then a few more inches of lake effect, then some serious winds yesterday AND now tonight and into tomorrow we are forecasted to get another 6-12′ of a lake effect ‘clipper’! So, groomers were out last night and got all the trails but the Brethren spur groomed last night which they will do tomorrow. The B/M Snowbirds facebook page said that their ‘planned’ groomer schedule for the year will be Kaleva to Highbridge – Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. and Kaleva to Bear Lake/Thompsonville – Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun, and Turtle Creek and North – Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. Remember this is the ‘PLAN’ but obviously does not account for extreme weather, breakdowns, etc. Also remember that high traffic causes bumps in the trails, & riding sensibly helps keep the corners and intersections smooth. Please get outta the groomers way if ya see one and give them a thumbs up! They are working to keep the trails in good condition for you. Shout out of THANKS to Roy for the email! Love hearing from y’all out there! SO – finally I can post a good report and say till next time CYA on the trails! Carol





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January 11, 2016 |

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/06

January 6 – Trail update!!!!! We had a start to a base but with the warm temps its dirt and ice. With the warm forecast please stay off or go slow, if everyone cooperates we might have a little ice left for next weeks lake effect!

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com


Benzie Visitor Bureau – 1/6

Hi all and Happy Hump Day! We got anywhere from 4-8′ or so of the fluffy white stuff over the last weekend and that is enough that the groomers are out! At this point the groomers are y are panning and filling in holes and getting rid of debris to be able to actually ‘groom’. They have started in the North and Middle to head to the southern parts shortly they say. So, its not perfect out there and we need snow but it is ‘early season rideable’. Unfortunately the forecast is for a mini warm up for the next few days with possible rain, but then after that, Sunday, Monday Tuesday comes back the cool down with several inches snow over those 3 days, so let’s hope we don’t get the rain but DO get the snow! So, after this initial clean up, should we stay Winter like, the groomers say they will be on a more regular schedule of grooming to build the trails up Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights – weather permitting. Reminder if ya see a groomer, stay outta their way and give them a thumbs up as they go by! They’re out there working hard for all of us!SO – NOW we really gotta do the snow dance and say your prayers to keep up the snow! SHOUT OUT of THANKS to my friends Cincinnati Steve & FedEx Lloyd for the emails and pics! LOVE IT! So, NOW I can say CYA on the trails! Carol B




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January 6, 2016 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.