Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/03

Weekend Report : Trails are ‘well groomed and ready to ride ‘ We had a small amount of snow last night and are hoping for more. Trails have a 4-6 inch base. Remember our club house is open on Saturdays from 10-4. Stop by for refreshments, snacks, restrooms and check out our new T-shirts. The club house now has free WiFi provided by Kaleva Telephone Company. We are currently holding a FOOD DRIVE so don’t forget to bring a non perishable food item to make a donation.

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com

Benzie Visitor Bureau – 1/02

Hey all! Happy Thursday! Feels like a Monday! Weekend’s almost here! Trails are looking good baby! There is a 6-8′ base in most areas. We got another couple of inches of fresh snow to the north end, near Maple City. Trail #3 Kaleva to High Bridge was groomed late Wednesday night and Trail #3 from Kaleva to Thompsonville early this morning. Maple City Trail #3 also groomed on New Years Day. Trail #3, #395 & 39 will be groomed today and tonight. Temps are forecast to be single digits with below zero at night so please take care and cover up and bundle up in those layers and keep your hand warmers on! You can get frostbite very fast in these temps especially once you’re moving along! Remember to watch out for the groomers stay out of their way! YOu can move outta their way A TON easier than they can! Give them a thumbs up as you pass by! Be safe, have fun! Keep in touch! I love your emails! Thanks for the emails Greg M and Robert M. Appreciate it! Be safe, have fun and I’ll SEEYA on the trails! Carol


January 3, 2014 | Uncategorized

Benzie Area Trail Report – 01/02

Temperatures are predicted into the single digits so keep those hand warmers on, cover your neck and wear layers. If its 5 degrees and you riding at 30 mph the wind chill is -19. Frostbite can occur in 15 minutes. So bundle up ! Maple City Trail #3 was groomed yesterday afternoon. Trail #3 from High Bridge to Kaleva late last night. Groomer is out this morning from Kaleva to Thompsonvile. Trail #3 & #395 into Beulah as well as #39 will be groomed later today and this evening. Trails are in Great condition and are holding a good 6-8 inch base.

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club Facebook Page >>>>

Website: www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com

Benzie Visitor Bureau – 12/30

Happy Monday all! 2013 is winding down now and it is Chhhiiiillllly! BRRRRR! It was barely over 5 this morning when I looked out and it’s not supposed to get out of the teens so bundle up in those layers if you are heading out! Wind chill is rough especially if you’re moving along so be careful! It got a bit sloppy over the weekend with the warm up but the groomers have been out consistently infact, they were out all night last night now that the temps dropped again packing it, grooming it, making a nice base again! Trails are as the Snowbirds say; ‘well groomed and ready to ride’! Some LE snow is in the forecast each day this week with system snow on New Years Day! Then a clipper for Saturday will help again for weekend traffic! Watch out for the flashing lights and the big green machine! Remember he can’t just get out of your way, so please move out of his way and give him a thumbs up as you go by! It’s our time baby! Get out and ride! Remember to watch out for the groomers and give them a thumbs up as you pass by! Be safe, have fun! Keep in touch! I love your emails! Thanks for the emails Greg M and Robert M. Appreciate it! Be safe, have fun and I’ll SEEYA on the trails! Carol


January 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.