Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Benzie Area Trail Report – 02/15

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club – 02/15

Groomed reports: All out Monday night, Trails are good, base 5 inches or more, ride-able.

Trail conditions: Trail was very busy this weekend but trails have some snirt on them. COME ENJOY OUR TRAILS WITH US.

Weather forecast: We are looking at some warmer temps during the day. Possibility of some rain by Thursday. Join us Saturday at club open house, from 10 am to 4 pm, to warm and meet or visit others there.

More info on our web about who to contact www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com

Benzie Visitor Bureau – 02/15

Hi all! Hump day here again, but not as good news as last weeks. We’re having a bit of a warm spell and although the trails are hanging on, they are deteriorating with each warm day. Its a bit colder at night but still right around freezing and warmer and sun in the day isn’t helping. Its supposed to get back to cold and chance of snow by the weekend so hopefully we hold on till then and then we get more snow snow snow! So, I’ll touch base later in the week in the hopes of good news! Don’t forget, when you are in the area, stop in to the Snowbirds clubhouse in Kaleva, Saturdays 10am -4pm – Its Open House day at the Club! Swing in, warmup and visit! Please, do me a favor…to keep ALL parts of the trails open for us, STAY ON THE TRAIL! This means YOU! Its not just a given that we get every inch of trail for our fun. By the way, those groomers are out there volunteering their time and energy to us, so if ya see one, get outta their way and give them a thumbs up as they go by! Ride smart, sober, & safe! CYA ON THE TRAILS! Carol

February 15, 2011 |

Benzie Area Trail Report – Benzie Bureau – 02/04

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club – 02/04

The trail is good to Excellent, some base we got snow to made it better, extra grooming being done on #1 south end of trail, as it is a little rough in places. Also as winds blow drifting snow, some of the trail on the railroad grade is narrow and hard to find. With luck our 6 + snow, groomers out Friday & Saturday night will groom up nice we hope! COME ENJOY OUR TRAILS WITH US.

More info on our web about who to contact www.benziemanisteesnowbirds.com

Benzie Visitor Bureau – 02/03

Hey all! It’s Thursday, & we’re chugging thru the week! We’ve gotten anywhere from 3-8" of fluffy stuff this week so its looking good, should be another good weekend coming up! Groomers are out there on schedule. We’ve gotten a whole lotta new fluff of late so some parts of the trails are a bit narrow but groomers are working at that too. So, yesterday the Groundhog called for an early spring so just incase he’s right – GET OUT there and enjoy! Don’t miss a minute of riding! Don’t forget, when you are in the area, stop in to the Snowbirds clubhouse in Kaleva, Saturdays 10am -4pm – Its Open House day at the Club! Swing in, warmup and visit! Please, do me a favor…to keep ALL parts of the trails open for us, STAY ON THE TRAIL! This means YOU! Its not just a given that we get every inch of trail for our fun. By the way, those groomers are out there volunteering their time and energy to us, so if ya see one, get outta their way and give them a thumbs up as they go by! Ride smart, sober, & safe! CYA ON THE TRAILS! Carol

February 4, 2011 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.