Benzie Area Trail Report – Benzie Bureau – 03/05
Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club – 03/05
Currently No Snow falling anywhere with warm up temps high 30’s to low 40’s by day to high twenty’s at night all week. Rain moving in Sunday to Wednesday. With melt down we lost some snow on our trail. The trail on Highbridge Rd. from Old House Rd into the woods on River Rd is dirt with sparse snirty in woods and the bridge is dirt along with some curves through-out south system. The south end from Copemish to Wellston is poor through woods with thin to no base. North end from Thompsonville to Maple City is fair to GOOD with 2 in to 5 in base, holding up well from snow fall two weeks ago. Joe from north end of trail said he rode on Tuesday down to Copemish it was good. But he tried to ride again Thursday said it’s groomed and it was only good from Maple city down to M-31 and down to Thompsonville is fair. So it looks like 40 temps are taking toll on all our trail. We have off trail ground cover of 1 – 6 inches.
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Benzie Visitor Bureau – 03/03
Hi all, Well we’re starting to get a little warmer this week! High 30ish yesterday and today and up around 40 Friday and Saturday, with no snow forecast, so we’re losing a bit of the trail with every day right now, but its at least freezing up again at night. BUt you know how that makes the trail! It’s getting a bit snirty and soft on some curves and hills and showing thin in some areas. Kaleva area I’m told is thin with little to no base but yet the north end from Copemish to Maple City is better with 2 to 5in base yet, holding up with the snow that fell last week. Off trail depth and ground cover is anywhere from an inch to 6 or 8 inches! s. Trails were groomed from Copemish north to Maple city Monday night and they are trying again tonite since its still certainly ride-able but we’re gonna have to wait and see about the weekend. Keep up the snow dance and cross your fingers that we get colder. Remember the groomers are volunteers so if ya see one, get outta their way and give them a thumbs up. Hey thanks Steven and Patrick for the pics! OMG I LOVE EM! And thanks for the emails Rog and Craig !I love getting emails and hearing your stories and reports and pics! Remember this report is all of us working it together! BE SAFE, BE SMART, and I’ll SEEYA on the trails! Carol