The last 24 hours have been calm and quiet. Another couple inches of snow fell throughout the day and overnight. The temperatures are back up to where we stop complaining (about 15-20) too. It’s real gray and still out now. We’re forecasted to receive some snow every day this week.
The trail base is still thin but smooth! To join or renew Grooming Club membership, send your email to or visit Thanks to your support we’re building our groomer ‘barn’ and will soon have a new facility where we can store and work on the equipment!
Base: 3 inches
Snowfall Past 24 hours: 2 inches
Last Grooming: Weekend
Current Trail Conditions: Good
Visit Indian River Snowmobile Grooming Club Condition Report >>>>
December 17, 2013 | Alpine Snowmobile Rentals
Yesterday our driver Joe was out and panned (packed) the railroad grade trail! Today he’s working on the wooded trail. I don’t have a base measurement yet but it will come. We’ve got beautiful winter weather continuing; snow during the day and cold temps to freeze in the groomer’s work at night. More light snow is expected today (it’s coming down heavy now and has been for over an hour).
We got between 1 and 2′ of snow yesterday and temps hovered around 15. This weather pattern is expected to continue, which means we’ll be riding during Christmas for the first time in a while! Be sure to check back in tomorrow for the latest on trail conditions– Word has it that the previously-closed Gaylord trail has been reopened thanks to renegotiated lease agreements! To join or renew Grooming Club membership, send your email to or visit Thanks for your support!
Base: 1 inch
Snowfall Past 24 hours: 2 inches
Last Grooming: Panned railroad grade yesterday; panning wooded trail today
Current Trail Conditions: Fair
Visit Indian River Snowmobile Grooming Club Condition Report >>>>
December 12, 2013 | Alpine Snowmobile Rentals