Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/28

Ray’s Retreat – February 28
You should have been with us!

You should have been with us! … we just returned from an absolutely awesome ride on the trails. Best ride of the year. Its so neat, because each ride we’ve taken this year is better than the last.
We were on Gaylord Trails, Kalkaska Trails, and Jordan Valley – all were groomed superbly. Great job to all those groomers who work hard to give us such excellent riding conditions.
85% of our ride was excellent, 5% was fair, the other 10% good. That’s a good day on the trails. Not many riders out either, so the trails can be in good shape all day. I encourage anyone that can take some time off to head north during the week and enjoy the great trail conditions.
We headed south on trail 7 (from Rays Retreat). Trail 7 to just a little out of Waters was bumpy, and the short section along Waters had dirt showing. Snow on either side. Just 1/4 mile maybe even less out of Waters continuing on trail 7 south it was good. Just before Frederick we made the turn west onto 679. Cutting into 679 from the road was dirty (as with anywhere today… there was always snow along the sides). 679 was excellent. No complaints whatsoever. Just 1-2 corners that were down to the ice. Trail flat and smooth. A beautiful ride. We passed two sleds. Stopped at The Hideaway for lunch. There were about 10 sleds there having a break. Got back onto 679 taking it to just the little bit of 76. 76 had a short area that had bumps and spot of dirt. Then we were onto 4 and easy sailing for home.
We both agreed it was just a fantastic day of riding. We averaged between 40-50 mph because the trails were just in great shape. Easy ride.
I sure hope you’ll be able to get some riding in with these great conditions. If you need a sled – remember we rent them! Come up and stay with us at www.raysretreatcountryinn

February 28, 2012 |

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/27

It’s feeling like winter has finally arrived. Trail conditions are in good shape. You will find some patches in the open, that are wind blown and down to bare ground. Its still very windy. Snowing at this time. Good rides are report going west, south and east. Forecast is looking very promising for the remainder of the week. Enjoy the trails when they are not so packed – come up during the week. Check us out at:

We hope to see you!

February 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.