Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/24

Fresh snow falling! The trail conditions will be improving with the new snow that is coming down. Although we aren’t expected to get the heaviest snowfall totals, we will be getting enough snow to make a difference.
At this point we have approx 2-3 inches of new snow. Alot of the trail still has an ice base with snow on it so this is the icing to make it better. As the snow continues to come down it will be covering those parts of the trail that were down to the dirt. Let’s go riding!
The forecast is looking good for snow thru the next several days

February 24, 2012 | Uncategorized

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/22

It seems we are experiencing ‘deja vu’ with conditions similar to what we had last week at this time. The trail is a variety with ice base and snow covered to water holes and mud. Wooded areas and fields still have a good foot of snow.
The weather forecast is showing snow for the next several days, amounts uncertain. We are hopeful that just like last week we will get enough to provide a weekend of great riding. Will keep you informed.

February 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.