We had the one day of melting, Tuesday when we had sunshine and almost 50 degrees. It turned cold the very next day. Trails are all ice base with some spots – hilltops – that are dirt. There is snow in the woods.
The forecase isn’t very promising. All it would take would be 6 inches of snow to cover the ice base…. we’ll let you know if that happens.
February 2, 2012 | Ray's Retreat Uncategorized
So quickly things can change. As we headed to Traverse City this morning the trails were beautiful. Freshly groomed, smooth. The trees were frosted.
It was a totally different scene when we came home. Traverse City reached 52 degrees. Gaylord was 46. The sun came out about noon and started the melt down. The trail along the Mancelona Rd was showing alot of dirty mud. Still snow in woods and the trail right out in front of us is still looking like snow, but melting, soft.
The forecast shows mild temps for the next week and sunshine. Its not looking good.
January 31, 2012 | Ray's Retreat