Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/10

Its been much too long since I wrote my last report. I do apologize, but
life can take over and change your plans very quickly. 2011 has surprised
already too much with changes in our plans. I have been downstate caring
for an elderly mother.
I was very pleased as I drove home today to see the trails looking so good.
Its obvious they are on top of the grooming. After talking to several of our
guests they have confirmed it.
Several riders went west and enjoyed great riding. Couple more went south
and rode on the Cranberry Trail and also say it was a great ride. Some
went east over Lewiston way. These riders report it was an okay ride, but
not as smooth.
Its been bitter cold all week, with fresh snowfall of at least a few inches
each day keeping things fresh. It is expected to snow tomorrow again.
Have a great ride, ride safe… we are booked for the next 3 nights so ride
remembering there may be someone coming around that curve. Enjoy winter
while its here.

February 10, 2011 | Uncategorized
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