Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 01/17

Finally — its starting to feel like Northern Michigan up here, and looking it too with snow falling, and falling. The trails were quite beat up over the weekend. Groomers have been working hard to get the trails in good shape. Riders that were out late last night reported good rides.
This morning when the dogs and I walked on the trail it was beautiful…. really hard to resist not getting on a sled and going for a ride. But then we would have people waiting for their breakfast.
It was just as good as it looked. Several riders went out for rides heading down Grayling way… when they returned this afternoon they said it was great. Just like riding on a blacktop road.
Just had another set of riders come in and they too report they had a great ride too in the opposite direction. With the snow falling its a winter wonderland.
We’ve gotten several inches of new snow this afternoon, and they’re calling for several more overnight.
Snow in the forecast all week. The riding season is here!
Call us to make your reservations for rooms and ski doo snowmobile rentals.
989-732-4914 or 989-732-2703.

January 17, 2011 | Uncategorized

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 01/16

Finally – we got a good snowfall. Woke up yesterday/Saturday morning to a few inches of new snow, and then it snowed thru most of the day. We ended up with about 8 inches of new snow and its definitely made a difference on the trail!
Gaylord groomers have resumed grooming. This morning the trails were in excellent shape. There doesn’t seem to be as many riders zipping by as yesterday so they should stay in good condition.
Snow is in the forecast thru the entire week. So, its looking like it is definitely time to ride.
If you are looking for more than just a motel room, you’ll want to stay at Rays. Here your day begins with a hot breakfast, and a chance to talk to other riders find out where they’ve been and give you any advice you might want. Jump on your sled parked outside of your room and you’re on the trail in a minute.
If your sled breaks down, or you need a sled to ride we have Ski Doo snowmobile rentals.
We hope to be hearing from you. 989-732-2703 or 989-732-4914.!

January 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.