Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/02

beautiful! Freshly groomed, looks like frosting on a cake. Cold. Riders enjoying their rides.

Snow is in the forecast for later today/tonight so that will keep things good.

Give us a call if you’re interested in rooms or snowmobile rentals. Enjoy the hospitality at the Snowmobilers First Choice, Rays Retreat. 989-732-2703 or 989-732-4914

February 2, 2010 | Uncategorized

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 01/31

The snow we got on Thursday gave riders a chance to get out this weekend and enjoy the trails. Groomers got the trails in good shape. Gaylord and Indian Rivers got a thumbs up from our guests. Everyone enjoyed their rides north and to the west. There were alot of riders out there yesterday and by late in the day corners were definitely icy. The rail bed thru Vanderbilt was ice and rocky… the winds had just blown the snow off.

Snow started falling this afternoon and at this point we’ve gotten another few inches of new snow to freshen things up. Riders just coming in enjoyed their rides.

Its looking like a good week with cold temps and snow in the forecast. David Prenger tells why Rays Retreat is Snowmobilers First Choice in a comment he left at our blog (www.raysretreatcountryinn.com/blog). His comment:
my wife and I were talking the other night. When we do get back to riding again we know we’ll be giving you a call. I really miss coming up to ride there and staying at your place. I have alot of fond memories through my childhood years and onto right after my wife and I got married. It has been tough to try to get away with our little ones as we don’t like to do much without our kids too. We have three boys now, ages 4, 3, and 6 months. Hopefully in another year or two we’ll be able to get back into riding up there in Michigan. We just don’t get snow here in Ohio but when we do my 3 and 4 year old let me know it’s time to get to the garage and get out the snowmobiles. When the time comes we’ll be giving you a call. My aunt and uncle who still come and stay with you have been asking us to come along but with the little ones we keep declining. Soon we’ll be calling, maybe next year!
Give us a call if you’re looking for a great snowmobiling experience. 989-732-2703 or 989-732-4914

January 31, 2010 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.