Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/01

Snow has been falling through the morning. Everyone is enjoying their rides. There is plenty of snow here and the surrounding areas north and west have even more snow. Enjoy the great riding conditions while staying at Ray’s Retreat. We’ve had two cancellations for tonight and Saturday. Give us a call and we’ll save you a room. Easy access to the trail – its directly in front of us. Enjoy rides in any direction. There is nothing more fun than being able to ride in new snow and watching it fly by as you drive down the trail. Nothing is prettier either than gliding thru the woods with all the trees coated in fresh snow. 989-732-2703 or 989-732-4914

February 1, 2013 | Uncategorized

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/01

10 degrees this morning. Temps that cold will keep the trail in great condition. There is an ice base under alot of it so ride carefully around those sharp corners. The snow is good and the trail is good riding. Snow depth varies around the area. West of us got hit hard yesterday with the lake effect. Mancelona area received 8 inches plus. We had several riders out yesterday and all them returned with smiles on their faces.
We are booked for the weekend, but would love to see you during the week!

February 1, 2013 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.