Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 01/25

Finally, we had the opportunity to get out and ride the trails. We rode trail 7 up to Gaylord. It was in fantastic shape. So much to ride when the trails are as good as they are right now. Spoke with other riders who had been up to Indian River and they reported it was great all the way.

Gaylord Area – Jan. 24
The riding is excellent.

Then we turned back taking trail 7 back to where it intersects with 4 not far from the motel. Rode over to Lakes of the North. Great conditions too. The roller coaster hills along Mancelona Rd was the only area where there were rolling bumps.

It was just a great ride, and the outdoors is so beautiful with the snow still hanging on all the trees. A group from the motel had went over to Jordan Valley and could not stop telling how smooth that trail was, and as always felt it was extremely beautiful.

We’re warming up a bit today with a high of 18. There wll be alot of riders out this weekend. We have been booked for some time, and most all the area hotels are also full. Drive defensively and safely. Enjoy the snow!

January 25, 2013 |

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 01/24

The bitter cold continues with a -2 reading at this time. The trails continue to be in fantastic shape. I have hesitated to say excellent without being on them myself but after having every single guest come back last night and rave about the Gaylord trails I just have to report excellent conditions.

The cold temps have kept the trails set like in a frozen jello mold. When I came home from Gaylord yesterday the entire trail from town to Rays Retreat was perfect. Which I have never seen. There have been very few riders this week.

I am sure that will all change this weekend. Most all of the motels/hotels in town are booked. I would encourage anyone who can to get out there and ride today or tomorrow.

Ride safe and have a good time.

January 24, 2013 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.