Mother Nature really showed herself last night. It was in the mid 30’s most of the day making the trail pretty sloppy. Had several riders that made a trip into town to dry their gear.
About 9ish last night the wind came howling in … sending that artic cold blast we had been waiting for as predicted. It was snowing heavily. Thunder and Lightning thru the snow. Beautiful.
Not sure just how much we got last night. Several inches. Snow continues to be in the forecast with an expected 12 inches by Tuesday.
The trail is and will be improving
January 20, 2013 | Ray's Retreat Uncategorized
It’s time to ride, especially if you don’t like crowds on the trails. We have several rooms that came in last night. They are reporting good riding. Its snowing heavily… and not the fine little snow. This is the big puffy snowflakes that mount up quickly and add to the trail base.
The weather forecast continues to put a smile on our faces – snow, snow, snow! We’re due for several inches today (along with the 2 inches we got overnight); up to 8 inches tomorrow into Sunday. Snow continues in the forecast for the next 7 days.
Enjoy the trails without all the traffic – this is the weekend to do that. If you want value for your money then you need to give Rays Retreat Country Inn a call. When you stay at Rays, you not only get your room. You also start the day with a hot breakfast. Ample parking for any size trailer. Your sled can be parked right ouside your door. After a good nights sleep, and a breakfast to fill your stomache you can jump on your sled and be on the main trail in just a minute! Can it get any better than that? …
We’ll be waiting to hear from you. 989-732-2703 or 989-732-4914.
January 18, 2013 | Ray's Retreat Uncategorized