Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Newberry Trail Report – Visit Newberry – 12/30

TASA Trail Report
Dec 30, 2010 6:55A.M.

Trail in town is in fair condition.

Trail 9 north to Pine Stump has a 1 – 4 inch base and is in fair to good condition

Trail 45 has a 3 – 6 inch base and is in fair condition. The trail is getting muddy in the sunny areas.

The DNRE has opened the trail from the 500 to the falls but has not been groomed due to lack of snowfall. In the open areas the snow base is thin, but in the wooded areas of the trail we still have a fair to good base.

The Newberry trail 9 to Rexton is in poor to good condition with a 2 – 4 inch base, please watch for the water hole north of Borgstrom road in Hemlock Ridge. From Rexton south to the wooden bridge 473 to Epoufette is rough from logging and lack of snow. The deer are out and moving so please watch for them. Have a great and safe holiday week. Overall the trails are in good condition for the amount of snow that we have. Hopefully we do not get the rain Friday night, this will melt alot of the snow base we have and trails could become icy so please be careful.


COMFORT INN OF NEWBERRY at www.newberrymichigan.net

GATEWAY MOTEL at www.gatewaymi.com

HALFWAY LAKE at www.halfwaylake.com

PARK-A-WAY www.theeveningstarmotel.com,

December 30, 2010 |

Newberry Trail Report – Visit Newberry – 12/28

TASA Trail Report
Dec 28, 2010 6:00A.M.

Trail in town is in good condition.

Trail 9 north to Pine Stump has a 4 – 6 inch base and is in fair to good condition

Trail 45 has a 3 – 6 inch base and is in fair condition.

The Newberry trail 9 to Rexton is in good condition with a 2 – 4 inch base, please watch for the water hole north of Borgstrom road in Hemlock Ridge. From Rexton south to the wooden bridge 473 to Epoufette is rough from logging and lack of snow. The deer are out and moving so please watch for them. Have a great and safe holiday week. Due to lack of snow fall the groomers have not been out in the last few days.


COMFORT INN OF NEWBERRY at www.newberrymichigan.net

GATEWAY MOTEL at www.gatewaymi.com

HALFWAY LAKE at www.halfwaylake.com

PARK-A-WAY www.theeveningstarmotel.com,

December 28, 2010 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.