Drummond Island Trail Report – Drummond Island Snow Report – 01/13
SNOW GAUGE REPORT: The snow just keeps settling! With only 3 inches on the ground across most of the Island any and all snow fun has ground to a halt. Snow is in the forecast for the weekend. Do the Snow Dance!
INTERNATIONAL ICE BRIDGE TO CANADA: Just announced – the *building* of the ice bridge will not happen until Saturday, January 22nd. Customs officials want to make sure the ice is safe to cross on the entire passage before declaring the *Bridge* open. Keep watching – you will hear it here first!
The Snowmobile Trails are still officially closed. The groomers need more snow for a base. Rocks and boulders dot every trail at this time.
CROSS COUNTRY SKIING FANS: The Rainbow X-Country Ski Trail needs to be re-groomed. All trails are OPEN for skiiers but not groomed as of this posting. (1/13/2011) Many of the local skiiers have hit the ice – check for ice thickness/safety before you head out, but skiing on the bays of Drummond is as peaceful as it gets.
SNOWSHOEING FANS: All trails are open for snowshoeing. But for the most part, a good pair of snow boots are STILL all you need to get out and enjoy the trails. With the base standing at only 3 inches snowshoes are more cumbersome than helpful.
ICE SKATING FANS: The local rink is open and waiting! Grab your skates, a thermos of hot cocoa and head down to the Townhall. The ice is slick and fast!
Saturday, January 29 · 5:00pm – 11:30pm
Hospice of the EUP Fundraiser
@ The Northwood
29944 East Channel Road Drummond Island MI
Games, Raffles, and lots of FUN for an awesome cause! 24 foot long Buffet will start at 6:30 p.m. Event sponsored by the Drummond Island Homemakers