Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Traverse City Trail Report – 02/08

TRAVERSE CITY AREA UPDATE via Sled Solutions​ – 2/8

The groomers in Grand Traverse County are killing it with what little snow we have. Everywhere we went today they were flat.

TRAVERSE CITY UPDATE via Ranch Rudolf​ – 2/8/2020

You guys, these trails are in pretty good shape!! Lots of sleds out today and that’s been the consensus. So good to hear. Groomers heading out again tonight. Thank your groomer drivers who volunteer their time out there! Big thanks to this weekends groomer drivers:
as well as any we may have missed and all the rest of the Grand Traverse Area Snowmobile Club members who work hard out there. It’s so appreciated.
2 out of 3 lined up and ready to roll out! #3 has to get his sleigh ride horses put away and taken care of before he fires up his tractor for the night


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February 9, 2020 |

Traverse City Trail Report – 02/07

TRAVERSE CITY UPDATE via Ranch Rudolf​ – 2/7/2020

Trails are decent. Not perfect, but certainly rideable. Temps have stayed cold this week and groomers have been able to get out most of the week as well. Some thin spots. Some dirty spots. But overall in fair to good condition. Get out and enjoy while you can. Been a strange winter, who knows how long it will last.


TRAVERSE CITY AREA UPDATE via Grand Traverse Area Snowmobile Club​ – 2/6

Groomers were out all day yesterday. The trails are still in
pretty good condition. There is a 1/4 mile section of snirt half way between the Kalkaska warming hut and Jack Pine rd. But there is still a ton of snow out there to ride on. Get out and ride! I was in the groomer for 11 hours and I was laying down some beautiful smooth tracks. Trials should have set up nice over night since there wasn’t a lot of traffic. I did get passed by a pack of 40 riders from Lake City on their way to Peegeo’s for a late lunch. Hope they enjoyed the extra effort that the club is putting in the trails this year trying to keep them as smooth as possible.


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February 7, 2020 |
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