Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Traverse City Trail Report – 03/09

Well folks, this might be the end of it. Get out and enjoy. Everything groomed last night. Trails are in great shape. Currently 29 degrees. Ranch’s last weekend for the winter season will either be this weekend or next, depending on how much damage is done this week. Our area potentially looking at some 30s and 40s this week with rain possible by mid week. If conditions allow for riding we will be open next weekend, otherwise this Sunday will be our last day until Spring activities begin. Will update as we know more.


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March 9, 2019 | Uncategorized

Traverse City Trail Report – 03/06

Just received the news that Blue Sky Rentals will be open this weekend and renting snowmobiles at their location behind Peegeo’s on the trails near Traverse City. The Boardman Valley Trails are currently in great shape and should hold up well through this weekend (some mixed precipitation on Sunday) and perhaps through one more weekend after that… and maybe more. If you need a sled to get out on the Boardman Valley Trails this week or weekend, give them a call at 231-633-2583 or visit them at www.bluesky-tvc.com.

TRAVERSE CITY AREA UPDATE via Grand Traverse Area Snowmobile Club – Cold and lake effect snow has been falling the past few days with a few fresh inches the past couple days. Groomers have been running daily and trails and in a good to excellent condition! Get out and enjoy, March is here and it could end quickly!

Remember, all of our groomer drivers are volunteers, and most of them are snowmobilers giving up some riding time to groom so that you have groomed trails to ride on, so if you get a chance tell them thank you or a thumbs up, it means alot to them to know they are appreciated. Make sure to pick up one of our trail maps, we have some out on the trails in mailboxes at some map board locations and at our map sponsors. Support our sponsors and when you visit one of them tell them thank you for supporting GTASC

Ride safe and ride sober!! Remember to watch for groomers you never know when one will be coming around a corner or over a hill. Also remember that the signs on the snowmobile trails are there for the safety of snowmobilers, so please don’t remove them. If you have any questions about grooming or comments about the trails good or bad we would like to hear from you. Please feel FREE TO contact us at gtascsnow@gmail.com


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March 7, 2019 |
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