Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Traverse City Trail Report – TC WebGuide – 03/27

Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club – 03/27

The groomers have been parked, the trails are to soft to groom. The temps. have been in the high 30’s to low 40’s and is not getting cold enough at night to set the trails up. The groomers went out last night and did more damage than good. They reported water on the trails and some dirt starting to show. There’s still quite a bit of snow for off trail riding but getting into towns will be hard..

Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club On Facebook >>>>

Blue Sky Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

Ranch Rudolph –


SnowBlitz Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

March 27, 2013 | Uncategorized

Traverse City Trail Report – TC WebGuide – 03/25

Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club – 03/25

Rode 75 miles yesterday and had one of the best rides of the season. Temps have been staying below freezing in the evenings allowing the groomers to get out. They will be out tonight, so get out there and get that last ride in!

We will continue to groom this week if snow conditions stay good and temps don’t get to warm. The day time temps are forecasted to be in the high 30’s and 40’s with lows in the 20’s. If we stop grooming we’ll let you know on here. REMEMBER THE GROOMERS WILL STOP RUNNING APRIL 1ST, AND THE TRAILS WILL CLOSE. IF APRIL 1ST AND AFTER YOU ARE RIDING THE TRAIL THAT’S ON PRIVATE PROPERTY YOU ARE TRESPASSING, YOU COULD GET A TICKET AND THE LANDOWNER COULD DECIDE NOT TO LET US USE HIS PROPERTY ANYMORE.

Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club On Facebook >>>>

Blue Sky Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

Ranch Rudolph –


SnowBlitz Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

March 25, 2013 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.