Traverse City Trail Report – TC WebGuide – 03/23
Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club – 03/23
Groomers are out tonight and the entire system is getting done. The trails are looking great! Get out tomorrow and enjoy!
We have received 10 plus inches of snow since last Monday, the trails are in excellent shape with a base of around 6 inches. The groomers have been out every day except Sunday. They have reported some of the best trails of the season. It’ll be a good weekend for riding so get out and enjoy the Northern Michigan beauty of the Grand Traverse Area it might be the last chance this season.
Remember all of our groomer drivers are volunteers, and most of them are snowmobilers giving up some riding time to groom so that you have groomed trails to ride on, so if you get a chance tell them thank you or a thumbs up, it means a lot to them to know they are appreciated. Make sure to pick up one of our trail maps, we have some out on the trails in mailboxes at some map board locations and at our map sponsors. Support our sponsors and when you visit one of them tell them thank you for supporting GTASC
Ride safe and ride sober!! Remember to watch for groomers you never know when one will be coming around a corner or over a hill. Also remember that the signs on the snowmobile trails are there for the safety of snowmobilers, so please don’t remove them. If you have any questions about grooming or comments about the trails good or bad we would like to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us at
Base: 6 inches
Snowfall Past 24 hours: 5 inches
Last Grooming: 3/21/13
Current Trail Conditions: Excellent
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