Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Traverse City Trail Report – TC WebGuide – 03/06

Blue Sky Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

Ranch Rudolph – 3/05

Temps have been in the mid 30s during daytime hours, but nights have been cold enough to help sustain the snow we have. As of today, our groomers are still running, so yes, we still have snow!

Groomers Running: Yes
Base: 4 inches
Trail Condition: Good
Snowfall in Past 24 Hours: 0


Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club – 03/06

Groomer has already been out by Perch Lake, trails are in pretty good shape considering it’s 42 degrees out. Great job GTASC groomer drivers!

It’s been getting up into the mid 30’s during daytime hours, and nights have been staying cold enough to help sustain our snow. Groomers are still running as of today. We are in good shape for the weekend 🙂

Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club On Facebook >>>>

SnowBlitz Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

March 6, 2013 |

Traverse City Trail Report – TC WebGuide – 03/05

Blue Sky Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

Ranch Rudolph – 3/05

Temps have been in the mid 30s during daytime hours, but nights have been cold enough to help sustain the snow we have. As of today, our groomers are still running, so yes, we still have snow!

Groomers Running: Yes
Base: 4 inches
Trail Condition: Good
Snowfall in Past 24 Hours: 0


Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club – 03/02

All three groomers were out last night and they will be again tonight. The trails groomed up great last night, should be a great day for riding.

Grand Traverse Snowmobile Club On Facebook >>>>

SnowBlitz Snowmobile Rentals Trail Reports

March 5, 2013 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.