Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Sault Ste. Marie Trail Report – 02/06

February 6 update: – Warm temps again overnight, 30 degrees don’t freeze trails very well. But it is to get to single digits tonight and stay cold for the next week. With a little snow later in the week. We will try to get the snow/ice mix smoothed up!

Via Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association on Facebook

Feb. 5 update – Grooomers went out on Sat night to try to flatten trails after the traffic and warmth. Conditions will range from poor to good to excellent! The farther south the less snow, the farther west and north more snow and better trails.

The temps during the day are in the 30’s and the trails are taking abuse. Trails are still in Fair to Good shape. The race this weekend will mean many, many, many, sleds on our trails. We will try to keep them smooth, but if it gets to 38 and sunny we will have the park the groomers until the temps drop!!!!! It is supposed to cool down again Sat night and we will hit them again to try to repair from all the traffic.

We groomed our known wet areas between Kinross and Soo, and Raco to Kinross today, and the known wet spots are frozen. The only big spot water left is about 1 mile south of the Soo on trail #49 close to the northern bridge. There a couple of tiny wet areas by the city airport.

Join us on Facebook also.

We will be taking over he 38 miles of trails groomed by Kinross Charter Township last season.

Sault Ste. Marie to Brimley, Trail #8 –

Base 1-4 inches -Trail is in Very Good Condition. It is icy under the snow.

Brimley to Raco, Trail #8 –

Base 1-5 inches -Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. The first mile going west of Bribley has very low snow in the open area. Make sure you go with the flow of traffic when crossing the bridge in Brimley or you will be ticketed!!!!!

Raco to Naomikong Trail #8 [where Paradise meets us], Trail #8 –

Base 3-6 inches – Trail is Excellent Condition. Super snow and try out the reroute from Raco to Strongs.

Sault Ste. Marie City Trail, Trails #497, #449, parts of #8 & #49 –

Base 2-4 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. Lots of traffic Sat due to race and temps were 38 degrees. Watch for wet spots.

City curfew is from 1am – 6 am. Remember most City streets are open to traffic, 20 mph, stop at all intersections, and ride the right hand side of street not on side walks. Watch for closed streets that are posted, mainly around the hospital, university, and state trunk lines.

Sault Ste. Marie to Kinross, Trail #49 –

Base 3-6 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. Watch for the water spots to go around just south of town on powerline. When the trail is running along roads make sure you go with the flow of traffic on the right side of the road.

Kinross loop and south to Pickford, parts of Trail #49, #494, #472

Base 2-5 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. Lower snow the farther south towards Pickford

Kinross to Raco, Trail # #480 & #472

Base 2-5 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. The water areas are all frozen up and groomed flat.

The Downtown Trail has not been groomed yet, but it is marked. The city will not set up the barrels until we have enough snow. They are talking about doing it next week, and then it rained.

Via Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association on Facebook

Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association

February 6, 2012 | Uncategorized

Sault Ste. Marie Trail Report – 02/03

February 3 update: – Groomers went out tonight and will be out early in the morning to work on the trails that were abused by warm temps again today. It is suppose to get down to 20 tonight and we should have a good smooth surface for all the traffic around due to the I-500. We will do our best to try to keep them smooth thru the day tomorrow with th extra traffic, but if it gets to 37 degrees with sun we will not be able to run the groomers during the day.

Via Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association on Facebook

Feb. 1 update – Trails are in Good to Excellent shape.

We groomed our known wet areas between Kinross and Soo, and Raco to Kinross today, and the known wet spots are frozen. The only big spot water left is about 1 mile south of the Soo on trail #49 close to the northern bridge. There a couple of tiny wet areas by the city airport.

Join us on Facebook also.

We will be taking over he 38 miles of trails groomed by Kinross Charter Township last season.

Sault Ste. Marie to Brimley, Trail #8 –

Base 2-5 inches -Trail is in Very Good to Excellent Condition. It is icy under the snow.

Brimley to Raco, Trail #8 –

Base 2-5 inches -Trail is in Good to Excellent Condition. Make sure you go with the flow of traffic when crossing the bridge in Brimley or you will be ticketed!!!!!

Raco to Naomikong Trail #8 [where Paradise meets us], Trail #8 –

Base 3-6 inches – Trail is Excellent Condition. Super snow and try out the reroute from Raco to Strongs.

Sault Ste. Marie City Trail, Trails #497, #449, parts of #8 & #49 –

Base 2-4 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. Watch for wet spots.

City curfew is from 1am – 6 am. Remember most City streets are open to traffic, 20 mph, stop at all intersections, and ride the right hand side of street not on side walks. Watch for closed streets that are posted, mainly around the hospital, university, and state trunk lines.

Sault Ste. Marie to Kinross, Trail #49 –

Base 3-6 inches – Trail is in Poor to Fair to Good Condition. Watch for the water spots to go around just south of town on powerline. When the trail is running along roads make sure you go with the flow of traffic on the right side of the road.

Kinross loop and south to Pickford, parts of Trail #49, #494, #472

Base 2-5 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition.

Kinross to Raco, Trail # #480 & #472

Base 2-5 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. The water areas are all frozen up and groomed flat.

The Downtown Trail has not been groomed yet, but it is marked. The city will not set up the barrels until we have enough snow. They are talking about doing it next week, and then it rained.

Via Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association on Facebook

Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association

February 3, 2012 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.