Sault Ste. Marie Trail Report – Sault Snow Report – 01/13
We got 6-8 inches of snow Thursday night and groomers were out on he trails Friday and continuing on Saturday to get it all packed down. The trails are all in their early state of grooming and we have not had enough snow to get all the holes and bumps covered with snow yet. There will be some bare spots in corners, you might find some rocks or stumps not fully covered so ride warily. It is early season riding, conditions will very greatly! Groomers will continue to run on different trails on a daily basis as conditions warrant.
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We will be taking over he 38 miles of trails groomed by Kinross Charter Township last season.
Sault Ste. Marie to Brimley, Trail #8 –
Base 1-3 inches -Trail is in Very Poor to Fair Condition. Snow levels are pretty consistent.
Brimley to Raco, Trail #8 –
Base 1-4 inches -Trail is in Poor to Fair Condition. Lots of blowing and drifting. Make sure you go with the flow of traffic when crossing the bridge.
Raco to Naomikong Trail #8 [where Paradise meets us], Trail #8 –
Base 1-5 inches – Trail is Fair Condition. Blowing and drifting.
Sault Ste. Marie City Trail, Trails #497, #449, parts of #8 & #49 –
Base 1-3 inches – Trail is in Poor to Fair Condition. Still need more snow to finish a great trail.
City curfew is from 1am – 6 am. Remember most City streets are open to traffic, 20 mph, stop at all intersections, and ride the right hand side of street not on side walks. Watch for closed streets that are posted, mainly around the hospital, university, and state trunk lines.
Sault Ste. Marie to Kinross, Trail #49 –
Base 1-4 inches – Trail is in Poor to Fair Condition. There are a couple of water spots between 8 and 9 Mile Rd and South of 12 Mile Rd. When the trail is running along roads make sure you go with the flow of traffic on the right side of the road.
Kinross loop and south to Pickford, parts of Trail #49, #494, #472
Base 1-3 inches – Trail is in Poor to Fair Condition. The groomer was out Friday afternoon and will be out again Saturday
Kinross to Raco, Trail # #480 & #472
Base 1-2 inches – Trail is in Poor Condition. There is enough snow to ride without ruining equipment. The trail has a couple of water holes near the Spile Dam and we need more snow to cover the rough terrain. There is 2-3 miles by the Spile Dam bridges that still need groomed but we don’t want to break up the ice that has formed. So you will find a section that is not very smooth!
The Downtown Trail has not been groomed yet but is marked. The city will not set up the barrels until we have enough snow.