Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

St. Ignace Trail Report – Straits Area Snowmobile Club – 12/02

Dec 2nd and the trail officially opened yesterday – which means on-cue most of the snow melted. We lost the base developing over the last 2 weeks. Things may turn around mid-next week. In the meantime our brusher is continuing to make progress out near Rexton thanks to Bobby. If we loose all of the snow, a final touchup grading will we done in a lot of areas.

Think snowy thoughts, hopefully we can fire things up and ride soon.

Remember the big signing change is upon us. All clubs will be changing most of their signs this fall. Help out where you can!!

For the latest St. Ignace Reports Click Here

December 2, 2012 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.