Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

St. Ignace Trail Report – Straits Area Snowmobile Club – 03/08

OK, not so good here. We are done out of Iggy. Trails would be ridable if you trailered to castle rock road, and you would have issues with the dam road when you got there. Thing is, all the rain turned everything to solid ice. Absolutely no snow to work with, so I am not risking running the groomer on that stuff.

Talked to Dave, and Moran is about dirt, the rest is ice. The dam road is dirty ice off Brevort Lake road, probably ice/snow otherwise.

Just talked to Wayne, and he thinks the Northern trails are savable. He is going to call me later tonight and may run tonight, or tomorrow evening at the latest and rip some material up, and bring what snow there is from the sides to the middle to give something to ride on. That will all be North of Moran, everything else is ice, yep we are back to that.

Also talked to a guy who just talked to the Rudyard groomer, and the trail from Rudyard to strongs has water standing in all the low spots, very tough riding, and they probably will not groom either.

The season isn’t done yet folks. If we can pray from some snow, with the ice base I can bring these trails back to life, but I just can’t recommend riding on pure ice, which a lot of our lower trails will be. The Northern trails will be usable, just be careful, and you will have to trailer to get to them. Wayne is welcoming trailers at his shop in Cut River this weekend if you want to park and ride.

A few pics below show the ice on the Grade out of town, a bare spot by hay lake, and Castle Rock Rd.

I want everyone to know what they are getting into here, so whatever you do this weekend, where ever you go, be safe and have fun.

For the latest St. Ignace Reports Click Here

March 8, 2012 |

St. Ignace Trail Report – 03/01

Holly cow, MARCH already. Seems like the winter hasn’t even really started, and it is March already. As you have heard, we finally got a real winter storm yesterday, kinda like a December storm to tell you the truth. Got around 4-5″ of good very heavy snow, and huge winds. Things are mostly covered out there, but the thin spots are still a little thin as the winds swept the snow through. The groomers are trying to pull snow along and pack it into those areas on todays and tomorrows runs. Groomers will run everyday through Saturday night, so the trails should be very good to great after they blow the snow drifts out. Wayne found some thin areas, and also drifts as high as the blade on the North loop last night, Dave is out in the Iggy machine now, and I will update the Southern loop when he gets in.

Things are looking up, and we should have a couple of weeks of great riding ahead of us with the snow we have, anything more over the weekend will be gravy.

For the latest St. Ignace Reports Click Here

March 1, 2012 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.