Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Ontonagon Trail Report – 01/04

Trail 1 Porcupine Mountains to Lake of the Clouds

Groomed 1-3-16, GOOD 2-5″ base. This trail is high and dry on a seasonal road and we will not have to freeze the wet areas.

Trail 11 South Boundary Rd. to trail #102

Groomed 11-3-16, GOOD 2-8″ base. This trail is high and dry on a seasonal road and we will not have to freeze the wet areas.
For all trails below Groomers are done packing until we get more snow!!!

Trail 1 White Pine to the base of the Porcupine Mountains

Panned 11-28-15 POOR and very wet….Any trail usage should be done with extreme care until we have better snow cover as there are rocks, stumps, branches and wet areas not covered by snow and hazards that have not yet been identified.

Trail 137 Ontonagon to Rockland

Panned 1-3-16 FAIR This is a new trail out of Ontonagon it is the old Rail Road Grade that will connect with trail 13 in Rockland. The new trail number is 137.

Trail 12 Ontonagon – Greenland

Panned 12-28-15 POOR and very wet….Any trail usage should be done with extreme care until we have better snow cover as there are rocks, stumps, branches and wet areas not covered by snow and hazards that have not yet been identified.

Trail 12 Ontonagon – White Pine

Panned 12-27-15 POOR and very Wet….Any trail usage should be done with extreme care until we have better snow cover as there are rocks, stumps, branches and wet areas not covered by snow and hazards that have not yet been identified.

Trail 101


Any trail usage should be done with extreme care until we have better snow cover as there are rocks, stumps, branches and wet areas not covered by snow and hazards that have not yet been identified.


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January 4, 2016 |

Ontonagon Trail Report – 12/27

Packed trail 12 to the end of 137. Trail 137 hooks up with trail 13 in Rockland. This is the old rail road grade Ontonagon to Rockland. 6-8′ Of heavy wet snow packed to 2-3′ base. More snow coming in the next few days.


South Boundary road and lake of the clouds got packed tonight by the other crew. You need to trailer to the porkies and ride these as we have to much water on the connecting trails.


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December 27, 2015 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.