Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Sidnaw – Bruce Crossing Trail Report – 02/21

Groomer Report:
Trail Condition: Fair to Good
Last Groomed: February 20th, 2023
Reported On: February 21st, 2023 @ 11:02am

Watch out for icy corners.

The warmer temps did not help us at all but we are getting some snow now so conditions should improve.
Conditions vary on our trails, from good in most places to fair in other areas. Where trail 3 and 8 are together on the old RR grade is the worst, heavy traffic on this stretch takes itโ€™s toll.

Tickets are being issued by Law Enforcement officers for not stopping at STOP signs.

We groom every day that the weather conditions and equipment allows. There may be unforeseen circumstances that prevent us from going out, like a major blizzard and being snowed in at our homes or equipment breakdowns.

There is log hauling just north of Sidnaw for a few miles, trail 8/15. Be cautious of logging trucks and equipment in the area.



Visit Sno Valley Riders Snowmobile Club Sidnaw/Bruce Crossing, Mi. on Facebook >>>>


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Friday February 28th, 2025 - 9:30 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> Evening 2/28/25 weather update... #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotos ... See MoreSee Less

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Brad Bettin, Justin Whitty, Rob Kostopolus Mike Steiler

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 4:19 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Strong winds will create difficult travel conditions tonight for areas of the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. Accumulating snow will be greatest in the higher terrain of Marquette county and far west.
Please take extra precautions if you must travel. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea
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WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Strong winds will create difficult travel conditions tonight for areas of the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. Accumulating snow will be greatest in the higher terrain of Marquette county and far west.
Please take extra precautions if you must travel. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaImage attachment

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Major bust here in pine stump area. 3 inches of slush.

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 4:12 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Travel conditions will deteriorate quickly this afternoon and evening, especially over the counties bordering Lake Superior, as snow and strong winds develop. The snow, combined with quickly falling temperatures, could lead to icy roads developing this evening. Visibility will be reduced in snow and blowing snow. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph, strongest over the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP, could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaTravel conditions will deteriorate quickly this afternoon and evening, especially over the counties bordering Lake Superior, as snow and strong winds develop. The snow, combined with quickly falling temperatures, could lead to icy roads developing this evening. Visibility will be reduced in snow and blowing snow. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph, strongest over the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP, could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Travel conditions will deteriorate quickly this afternoon and evening, especially over the counties bordering Lake Superior, as snow and strong winds develop. The snow, combined with quickly falling temperatures, could lead to icy roads developing this evening. Visibility will be reduced in snow and blowing snow. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph, strongest over the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP, could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 9:31 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> More on conditions..........
Trail #1 from White Pine to Silver City is passable but akin to early season conditions with wet and bare spots.
Trail #1 from Silver City to Trail #11 (South Boundary Road) is in similar condition.
Trail #1 from South Boundary Road to Lake of the Clouds is excellent withe ample snow.
Trail #11 from Trail #1 to Trail #102 is also in excellent condition.
Our Sister Club Gogebic Area Grooming groomed the connecting trails Trail #102 and Trail #1 South to Bergland.
Ride cautiously as if it were early season and enjoy!! #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotosMore on conditions..........

Trail #1 from White Pine to Silver City is passable but akin to early season conditions with wet and bare spots.

Trail #1 from Silver City to Trail #11 (South Boundary Road) is in similar condition.

Trail #1 from South Boundary Road to Lake of the Clouds is excellent withe ample snow.

Trail #11 from Trail #1 to Trail #102 is also in excellent condition.

Our Sister Club Gogebic Area Grooming groomed the connecting trails Trail #102 and Trail #1 South to Bergland.

Ride cautiously as if it were early season and enjoy!!
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ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> More on conditions..........
Trail #1 from White Pine to Silver City is passable but akin to early season conditions with wet and bare spots.
Trail #1 from Silver City to Trail #11 (South Boundary Road) is in similar condition. 
Trail #1 from South Boundary Road to Lake of the Clouds is excellent withe ample snow.
Trail #11 from Trail #1 to Trail #102 is also in excellent condition. 
Our Sister Club Gogebic Area Grooming groomed the connecting trails Trail #102  and Trail #1 South to Bergland. 
Ride cautiously as if it were early season and enjoy!! #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotos

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 8:29 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> The first round of wet snow has pushed into much of the UP this morning. While several areas may see a lull in the precipitation this afternoon, a rain/snow mix may be seen this afternoon in many areas. As the low pressure passes this afternoon, winds swing to the north and become quite gusty, with Lake Superior shoreline locations potentially seeing gusts to 45 mph. A rapid cooldown is then expected with lake effect snow forming tonight. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaThe first round of wet snow has pushed into much of the UP this morning. While several areas may see a lull in the precipitation this afternoon, a rain/snow mix may be seen this afternoon in many areas. As the low pressure passes this afternoon, winds swing to the north and become quite gusty, with Lake Superior shoreline locations potentially seeing gusts to 45 mph. A rapid cooldown is then expected with lake effect snow forming tonight. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> The first round of wet snow has pushed into much of the UP this morning. While several areas may see a lull in the precipitation this afternoon, a rain/snow mix may be seen this afternoon in many areas. As the low pressure passes this afternoon, winds swing to the north and become quite gusty, with Lake Superior shoreline locations potentially seeing gusts to 45 mph. A rapid cooldown is then expected with lake effect snow forming tonight. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 8:15 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

LAKE GOGEBIC AREA UPDATE via Gogebic Area Grooming >> Bergland Area Groomer's Report for the evening of Thursday 2/27/25. Trail's covered 13n to Rockland, 1n to White Pine, 102 to South Boundary, 13s to trail 2 and 8e. The good and the bad... 102, 13n and 1n all survived and will take a few passes to get in better shape. 13s along East Shore Rd., the operator ran out of snow around the south end of Lake Gogebic. Hoop n Holler access trail was attempted but had to be backed out of as it was under water. Sleds were still able to get through, however doubtful it will be able to be groomed again this season. Another swamp section has opened up in the corridor and not able to be crossed with a Groomer but sleds can get through that section as well. 8w was scheduled to be groomed tonight but with all the water holes opening up we thought probably a better idea to take a machine through there without a drag. (Which will most likely happen tonight). We're under a Winter weather advisory which will help conditions tremendously but will also hide problem area's. Ride with caution! Think โ„๏ธโ„๏ธโ„๏ธ and let's keep this going till March 31st! #lakegogebic #westernup #snowphotos ... See MoreSee Less

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 8:33 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south. central U.P. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaWidespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south. central U.P. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P.   Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south. central U.P. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 8:03 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> THURSDAY NIGHT 2/27/2025
President Mac and Groomer Operator Wyatt are headed out later this evening in our Lulich Implement, Inc. New Holland tractor and our 2022 PistenBully. We continue to have fuel trouble codes over-the-phone support couldn't eradicate in PB19, so only two groomers out tonight. Groomer's will be inspecting the trails for hazards, knocking down moguls and starting the painful task of setting trails back in. Please be patient with the area trail's as our groomer runs take remarkably longer after a 5 night hiatus from regular grooming maintenance.
We are grooming "the loop" out of Ontonagon and the ROADS of the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park - the Porkies. Due to water along trail 1 from White Pine to Silver city, we cannot get our tractor in there to groom. We are also skipping short sections along the lake due to marshes filling back up destabilizing the trail base for the big tractor. We just can't risk getting stuck! All of this is a plan and subject to change due to mechanical issues or changes in trail conditions, which we will relay.
Forecasts are calling for 1-12" of fresh snow. Having our second night of grooming back in action tomorrow night, Friday, SATURDAY RIDING SHOULD BE SOMETHING SPECIAL!
Thank you to all the volunteers across the UP making this snowmo-tourism machine work! #ontonagon #westernupTHURSDAY NIGHT 2/27/2025
President Mac and Groomer Operator Wyatt are headed out later this evening in our Lulich Implement, Inc. New Holland tractor and our 2022 PistenBully. We continue to have fuel trouble codes over-the-phone support couldn't eradicate in PB19, so only two groomers out tonight. Groomer's will be inspecting the trails for hazards, knocking down moguls and starting the painful task of setting trails back in. Please be patient with the area trail's as our groomer runs take remarkably longer after a 5 night hiatus from regular grooming maintenance.

We are grooming "the loop" out of Ontonagon and the ROADS of the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park - the Porkies. Due to water along trail 1 from White Pine to Silver city, we cannot get our tractor in there to groom. We are also skipping short sections along the lake due to marshes filling back up destabilizing the trail base for the big tractor. We just can't risk getting stuck! All of this is a plan and subject to change due to mechanical issues or changes in trail conditions, which we will relay.

Forecasts are calling for 1-12" of fresh snow. Having our second night of grooming back in action tomorrow night, Friday, SATURDAY RIDING SHOULD BE SOMETHING SPECIAL!

Thank you to all the volunteers across the UP making this snowmo-tourism machine work!
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ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> THURSDAY NIGHT 2/27/2025 
President Mac and Groomer Operator Wyatt are headed out later this evening in our Lulich Implement, Inc. New Holland tractor and our 2022 PistenBully.  We continue to have fuel trouble codes over-the-phone support couldnt eradicate in PB19, so only two groomers out tonight.  Groomers will be inspecting the trails for hazards, knocking down moguls and starting the painful task of setting trails back in.  Please be patient with the area trails as our groomer runs take remarkably longer after a 5 night hiatus from regular grooming maintenance.
We are grooming the loop out of Ontonagon and the ROADS of the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park - the Porkies.  Due to water along trail 1 from White Pine to Silver city, we cannot get our tractor in there to groom.  We are also skipping short sections along the lake due to marshes filling back up destabilizing the trail base for the big tractor.  We just cant risk getting stuck!  All of this is a plan and subject to change due to mechanical issues or changes in trail conditions, which we will relay.  
Forecasts are calling for 1-12 of fresh snow.  Having our second night of grooming back in action tomorrow night, Friday, SATURDAY RIDING SHOULD BE SOMETHING SPECIAL!  
Thank you to all the volunteers across the UP making this snowmo-tourism machine work! #ontonagon #westernup

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You all rule. Thank you!

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 2:15 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

SIDNAW - WESTERN U.P. UPDATE via The Sidnaw Station >> Took a ride on the 174 and the 12 to Rousseau. The trails are in good shape. Riders reported the trail to Mass and Greenland is good with some water spots that you can easily get around. Come on out and ride!! #sidnaw #westernup #snowphotosTook a ride on the 174 and the 12 to Rousseau. The trails are in good shape. Riders reported the trail to Mass and Greenland is good with some water spots that you can easily get around. Come on out and ride!! ... See MoreSee Less

SIDNAW - WESTERN U.P. UPDATE via The Sidnaw Station >> Took a ride on the 174 and the 12 to Rousseau. The trails are in good shape. Riders reported the trail to Mass and Greenland is good with some water spots that you can easily get around. Come on out and ride!! #sidnaw #westernup #snowphotos

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Donny Kraby are you ready

Josh McGowan

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 11:46 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via Scott's Superior Inn and Cabins >> Snowmobile Trail Report โ€“ Ontonagon Area
I took a 50-mile loop today, riding Trail 137 out of Ontonagon to Rockland, Trail 13 from Rockland to Greenland, and Trail 12 back to Ontonagon. Despite the recent warm-up, I was pleasantly surprised by the overall good to excellent conditions.
Trail 13 was freshly groomed in some sections, making for a smooth and enjoyable ride. There were a few short areas with exposed ground and wet/slushy spots, but nothing major. Trail 12 from Greenland was the roughest section, mainly because a groomer hadnโ€™t been through in several days, so it was on the bumpier side. I also encountered a few short stretches of snirt, but again, nothing that significantly impacted the ride.
The good news is that a couple of inches of fresh snow are expected before the weekend, and colder temps are returning, which will help firm things up. Once groomers are back in full operation, conditions should improve even more.
Itโ€™s not quite as perfect as before the warm-up, which had some of the best riding Iโ€™ve seen in years, but we still have plenty of snow and great riding conditions in the western U.P. Donโ€™t let the recent warm stretch scare you offโ€”thereโ€™s still lots of fun to be had! #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotos
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Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 11:18 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

SNOW FALL FRIDAY WEATHER UPDATE via Meteorologist Brad Sugden >> TIMING POST! This is for Friday, February 28th into Saturday, March 1st.
Notice the heavy snow across the UP through almost the entire day. This is why some areas will go up to 11" or maybe even slightly more.
Winds will be HOWLING. Gusts over 50mph are likely. This can lead to blizzard conditions. I wouldn't be surprised to see some typical problem spots have road closures (M-28). #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea #gaylord #cadillac #benzie #traversecity #petoskey
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Good!! Where I’m staying I could throw a snowball on m 28!!

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 10:15 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> Get your snowblowers ready! Heavy snow comes tomorrow. Amounts could push near a foot in the Keweenaw and the Eastern U.P. Plan on slower travel with sloppy roads and poor visibility. Watch the video for the timeline.
FORECAST> www.uppermichiganssource.com/2025/02/27/first-alert-weather-day-some-tomorrow/ #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaGet your snowblowers ready! Heavy snow comes tomorrow. Amounts could push near a foot in the Keweenaw and the Eastern U.P. Plan on slower travel with sloppy roads and poor visibility. Watch the video for the timeline.
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WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> Get your snowblowers ready! Heavy snow comes tomorrow. Amounts could push near a foot in the Keweenaw and the Eastern U.P. Plan on slower travel with sloppy roads and poor visibility. Watch the video for the timeline. 
FORECAST> https://www.uppermichiganssource.com/2025/02/27/first-alert-weather-day-some-tomorrow/ #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 9:59 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via Meteorologist Brad Sugden >> Winter ain't done with us just yet! A vigorous clipper system barrels through tomorrow bringing a nice swath of heavy snow to parts of the UP. The further south you go, the later in the day it'll be. Likely around the evening drive home a burst of snow moves through quickly coating the ground. This is along an arctic cold front that drops our temps for several days. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea #gaylord #cadillac #benzie #traversecity #petoskeyWinter ain't done with us just yet! A vigorous clipper system barrels through tomorrow bringing a nice swath of heavy snow to parts of the UP. The further south you go, the later in the day it'll be. Likely around the evening drive home a burst of snow moves through quickly coating the ground. This is along an arctic cold front that drops our temps for several days.

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WEATHER UPDATE via Meteorologist Brad Sugden >> Winter aint done with us just yet! A vigorous clipper system barrels through tomorrow bringing a nice swath of heavy snow to parts of the UP. The further south you go, the later in the day itll be. Likely around the evening drive home a burst of snow moves through quickly coating the ground. This is along an arctic cold front that drops our temps for several days.  #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea #gaylord #cadillac #benzie #traversecity #petoskey

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Austin Bassett

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 9:32 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

BACK TO WINTER WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Pacthy freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west early this morning, otherwise light lake effect snow showers are expected north today. Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south central U.P. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaPacthy freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west early this morning, otherwise light lake effect snow showers are expected north today. Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south central U.P. #906wx #miwx ... See MoreSee Less

BACK TO WINTER WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Pacthy freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west early this morning, otherwise light lake effect snow showers are expected north today.  Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P.   Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south central U.P.  #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Wednesday February 26th, 2025 - 10:12 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Areas of freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west half of Upper Mich. tonight, before lake effect snow showers move in late tonight into Thursday as colder air settles across Lake Superior. There could be some slick conditions through early Thursday morning. There is a better chance of moderate wet snow on Thursday night into Friday. Several inches of wet snow is possible. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaAreas of freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west half of Upper Mich. tonight, before lake effect snow showers move in late tonight into Thursday as colder air settles across Lake Superior. There could be some slick conditions through early Thursday morning. There is a better chance of moderate wet snow on Thursday night into Friday. Several inches of wet snow is possible. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Areas of freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west half of Upper Mich. tonight, before lake effect snow showers move in late tonight into Thursday as colder air settles across Lake Superior. There could be some slick conditions through early Thursday morning. There is a better chance of moderate wet snow on Thursday night into Friday.  Several inches of wet snow is possible. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Wednesday February 26th, 2025 - 10:43 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> FRIDAY: We're trending to have higher snow accumulations across the north and east. Stay tuned for updated snow projections as this will likely change. Travel will be difficult at times due to consistency and blowing snow causing limited visibility. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaFRIDAY: We're trending to have higher snow accumulations across the north and east. Stay tuned for updated snow projections as this will likely change. Travel will be difficult at times due to consistency and blowing snow causing limited visibility. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> FRIDAY: Were trending to have higher snow accumulations across the north and east. Stay tuned for updated snow projections as this will likely change. Travel will be difficult at times due to consistency and blowing snow causing limited visibility. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

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Jennifer Goolsby

Derek Andrew ๐Ÿ‘†

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February 21, 2023 | Uncategorized

Sidnaw – Bruce Crossing Trail Report – 02/17

Groomer Report:
Trail Condition: Fair to Good
Last Groomed: February 16th, 2023
Reported On: February 17th, 2023 @ 9:49am

Watch out for water on the trails in various locations!
Conditions vary on our trails, from good in most places to fair in other areas. Where trail 3 and 8 are together on the old RR grade is the worst, heavy traffic on this stretch takes itโ€™s toll.

The warmer temps are not helping us at all.
Tickets are being issued by Law Enforcement officers for not stopping at STOP signs.

We groom every day that the weather conditions and equipment allows. There may be unforeseen circumstances that prevent us from going out, like a major blizzard and being snowed in at our homes or equipment breakdowns.

There is log hauling just north of Sidnaw for a few miles, trail 8/15. Be cautious of logging trucks and equipment in the area.



Visit Sno Valley Riders Snowmobile Club Sidnaw/Bruce Crossing, Mi. on Facebook >>>>


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Friday February 28th, 2025 - 9:30 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> Evening 2/28/25 weather update... #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotos ... See MoreSee Less

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Brad Bettin, Justin Whitty, Rob Kostopolus Mike Steiler

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 4:19 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Strong winds will create difficult travel conditions tonight for areas of the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. Accumulating snow will be greatest in the higher terrain of Marquette county and far west.
Please take extra precautions if you must travel. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea
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WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Strong winds will create difficult travel conditions tonight for areas of the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. Accumulating snow will be greatest in the higher terrain of Marquette county and far west.
Please take extra precautions if you must travel. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaImage attachment

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Major bust here in pine stump area. 3 inches of slush.

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 4:12 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Travel conditions will deteriorate quickly this afternoon and evening, especially over the counties bordering Lake Superior, as snow and strong winds develop. The snow, combined with quickly falling temperatures, could lead to icy roads developing this evening. Visibility will be reduced in snow and blowing snow. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph, strongest over the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP, could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaTravel conditions will deteriorate quickly this afternoon and evening, especially over the counties bordering Lake Superior, as snow and strong winds develop. The snow, combined with quickly falling temperatures, could lead to icy roads developing this evening. Visibility will be reduced in snow and blowing snow. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph, strongest over the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP, could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Travel conditions will deteriorate quickly this afternoon and evening, especially over the counties bordering Lake Superior, as snow and strong winds develop. The snow, combined with quickly falling temperatures, could lead to icy roads developing this evening. Visibility will be reduced in snow and blowing snow. Winds gusting to 40-55 mph, strongest over the Keweenaw, central, and eastern UP, could lead to a few downed tree limbs and power outages. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 9:31 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> More on conditions..........
Trail #1 from White Pine to Silver City is passable but akin to early season conditions with wet and bare spots.
Trail #1 from Silver City to Trail #11 (South Boundary Road) is in similar condition.
Trail #1 from South Boundary Road to Lake of the Clouds is excellent withe ample snow.
Trail #11 from Trail #1 to Trail #102 is also in excellent condition.
Our Sister Club Gogebic Area Grooming groomed the connecting trails Trail #102 and Trail #1 South to Bergland.
Ride cautiously as if it were early season and enjoy!! #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotosMore on conditions..........

Trail #1 from White Pine to Silver City is passable but akin to early season conditions with wet and bare spots.

Trail #1 from Silver City to Trail #11 (South Boundary Road) is in similar condition.

Trail #1 from South Boundary Road to Lake of the Clouds is excellent withe ample snow.

Trail #11 from Trail #1 to Trail #102 is also in excellent condition.

Our Sister Club Gogebic Area Grooming groomed the connecting trails Trail #102 and Trail #1 South to Bergland.

Ride cautiously as if it were early season and enjoy!!
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ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> More on conditions..........
Trail #1 from White Pine to Silver City is passable but akin to early season conditions with wet and bare spots.
Trail #1 from Silver City to Trail #11 (South Boundary Road) is in similar condition. 
Trail #1 from South Boundary Road to Lake of the Clouds is excellent withe ample snow.
Trail #11 from Trail #1 to Trail #102 is also in excellent condition. 
Our Sister Club Gogebic Area Grooming groomed the connecting trails Trail #102  and Trail #1 South to Bergland. 
Ride cautiously as if it were early season and enjoy!! #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotos

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 8:29 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> The first round of wet snow has pushed into much of the UP this morning. While several areas may see a lull in the precipitation this afternoon, a rain/snow mix may be seen this afternoon in many areas. As the low pressure passes this afternoon, winds swing to the north and become quite gusty, with Lake Superior shoreline locations potentially seeing gusts to 45 mph. A rapid cooldown is then expected with lake effect snow forming tonight. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaThe first round of wet snow has pushed into much of the UP this morning. While several areas may see a lull in the precipitation this afternoon, a rain/snow mix may be seen this afternoon in many areas. As the low pressure passes this afternoon, winds swing to the north and become quite gusty, with Lake Superior shoreline locations potentially seeing gusts to 45 mph. A rapid cooldown is then expected with lake effect snow forming tonight. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> The first round of wet snow has pushed into much of the UP this morning. While several areas may see a lull in the precipitation this afternoon, a rain/snow mix may be seen this afternoon in many areas. As the low pressure passes this afternoon, winds swing to the north and become quite gusty, with Lake Superior shoreline locations potentially seeing gusts to 45 mph. A rapid cooldown is then expected with lake effect snow forming tonight. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Friday February 28th, 2025 - 8:15 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

LAKE GOGEBIC AREA UPDATE via Gogebic Area Grooming >> Bergland Area Groomer's Report for the evening of Thursday 2/27/25. Trail's covered 13n to Rockland, 1n to White Pine, 102 to South Boundary, 13s to trail 2 and 8e. The good and the bad... 102, 13n and 1n all survived and will take a few passes to get in better shape. 13s along East Shore Rd., the operator ran out of snow around the south end of Lake Gogebic. Hoop n Holler access trail was attempted but had to be backed out of as it was under water. Sleds were still able to get through, however doubtful it will be able to be groomed again this season. Another swamp section has opened up in the corridor and not able to be crossed with a Groomer but sleds can get through that section as well. 8w was scheduled to be groomed tonight but with all the water holes opening up we thought probably a better idea to take a machine through there without a drag. (Which will most likely happen tonight). We're under a Winter weather advisory which will help conditions tremendously but will also hide problem area's. Ride with caution! Think โ„๏ธโ„๏ธโ„๏ธ and let's keep this going till March 31st! #lakegogebic #westernup #snowphotos ... See MoreSee Less

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 8:33 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south. central U.P. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaWidespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south. central U.P. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P.   Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south. central U.P. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 8:03 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> THURSDAY NIGHT 2/27/2025
President Mac and Groomer Operator Wyatt are headed out later this evening in our Lulich Implement, Inc. New Holland tractor and our 2022 PistenBully. We continue to have fuel trouble codes over-the-phone support couldn't eradicate in PB19, so only two groomers out tonight. Groomer's will be inspecting the trails for hazards, knocking down moguls and starting the painful task of setting trails back in. Please be patient with the area trail's as our groomer runs take remarkably longer after a 5 night hiatus from regular grooming maintenance.
We are grooming "the loop" out of Ontonagon and the ROADS of the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park - the Porkies. Due to water along trail 1 from White Pine to Silver city, we cannot get our tractor in there to groom. We are also skipping short sections along the lake due to marshes filling back up destabilizing the trail base for the big tractor. We just can't risk getting stuck! All of this is a plan and subject to change due to mechanical issues or changes in trail conditions, which we will relay.
Forecasts are calling for 1-12" of fresh snow. Having our second night of grooming back in action tomorrow night, Friday, SATURDAY RIDING SHOULD BE SOMETHING SPECIAL!
Thank you to all the volunteers across the UP making this snowmo-tourism machine work! #ontonagon #westernupTHURSDAY NIGHT 2/27/2025
President Mac and Groomer Operator Wyatt are headed out later this evening in our Lulich Implement, Inc. New Holland tractor and our 2022 PistenBully. We continue to have fuel trouble codes over-the-phone support couldn't eradicate in PB19, so only two groomers out tonight. Groomer's will be inspecting the trails for hazards, knocking down moguls and starting the painful task of setting trails back in. Please be patient with the area trail's as our groomer runs take remarkably longer after a 5 night hiatus from regular grooming maintenance.

We are grooming "the loop" out of Ontonagon and the ROADS of the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park - the Porkies. Due to water along trail 1 from White Pine to Silver city, we cannot get our tractor in there to groom. We are also skipping short sections along the lake due to marshes filling back up destabilizing the trail base for the big tractor. We just can't risk getting stuck! All of this is a plan and subject to change due to mechanical issues or changes in trail conditions, which we will relay.

Forecasts are calling for 1-12" of fresh snow. Having our second night of grooming back in action tomorrow night, Friday, SATURDAY RIDING SHOULD BE SOMETHING SPECIAL!

Thank you to all the volunteers across the UP making this snowmo-tourism machine work!
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ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via North Country Snowmobile Club UP >> THURSDAY NIGHT 2/27/2025 
President Mac and Groomer Operator Wyatt are headed out later this evening in our Lulich Implement, Inc. New Holland tractor and our 2022 PistenBully.  We continue to have fuel trouble codes over-the-phone support couldnt eradicate in PB19, so only two groomers out tonight.  Groomers will be inspecting the trails for hazards, knocking down moguls and starting the painful task of setting trails back in.  Please be patient with the area trails as our groomer runs take remarkably longer after a 5 night hiatus from regular grooming maintenance.
We are grooming the loop out of Ontonagon and the ROADS of the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park - the Porkies.  Due to water along trail 1 from White Pine to Silver city, we cannot get our tractor in there to groom.  We are also skipping short sections along the lake due to marshes filling back up destabilizing the trail base for the big tractor.  We just cant risk getting stuck!  All of this is a plan and subject to change due to mechanical issues or changes in trail conditions, which we will relay.  
Forecasts are calling for 1-12 of fresh snow.  Having our second night of grooming back in action tomorrow night, Friday, SATURDAY RIDING SHOULD BE SOMETHING SPECIAL!  
Thank you to all the volunteers across the UP making this snowmo-tourism machine work! #ontonagon #westernup

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You all rule. Thank you!

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 2:15 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

SIDNAW - WESTERN U.P. UPDATE via The Sidnaw Station >> Took a ride on the 174 and the 12 to Rousseau. The trails are in good shape. Riders reported the trail to Mass and Greenland is good with some water spots that you can easily get around. Come on out and ride!! #sidnaw #westernup #snowphotosTook a ride on the 174 and the 12 to Rousseau. The trails are in good shape. Riders reported the trail to Mass and Greenland is good with some water spots that you can easily get around. Come on out and ride!! ... See MoreSee Less

SIDNAW - WESTERN U.P. UPDATE via The Sidnaw Station >> Took a ride on the 174 and the 12 to Rousseau. The trails are in good shape. Riders reported the trail to Mass and Greenland is good with some water spots that you can easily get around. Come on out and ride!! #sidnaw #westernup #snowphotos

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Donny Kraby are you ready

Josh McGowan

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 11:46 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

ONTONAGON AREA UPDATE via Scott's Superior Inn and Cabins >> Snowmobile Trail Report โ€“ Ontonagon Area
I took a 50-mile loop today, riding Trail 137 out of Ontonagon to Rockland, Trail 13 from Rockland to Greenland, and Trail 12 back to Ontonagon. Despite the recent warm-up, I was pleasantly surprised by the overall good to excellent conditions.
Trail 13 was freshly groomed in some sections, making for a smooth and enjoyable ride. There were a few short areas with exposed ground and wet/slushy spots, but nothing major. Trail 12 from Greenland was the roughest section, mainly because a groomer hadnโ€™t been through in several days, so it was on the bumpier side. I also encountered a few short stretches of snirt, but again, nothing that significantly impacted the ride.
The good news is that a couple of inches of fresh snow are expected before the weekend, and colder temps are returning, which will help firm things up. Once groomers are back in full operation, conditions should improve even more.
Itโ€™s not quite as perfect as before the warm-up, which had some of the best riding Iโ€™ve seen in years, but we still have plenty of snow and great riding conditions in the western U.P. Donโ€™t let the recent warm stretch scare you offโ€”thereโ€™s still lots of fun to be had! #ontonagon #westernup #snowphotos
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Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 11:18 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

SNOW FALL FRIDAY WEATHER UPDATE via Meteorologist Brad Sugden >> TIMING POST! This is for Friday, February 28th into Saturday, March 1st.
Notice the heavy snow across the UP through almost the entire day. This is why some areas will go up to 11" or maybe even slightly more.
Winds will be HOWLING. Gusts over 50mph are likely. This can lead to blizzard conditions. I wouldn't be surprised to see some typical problem spots have road closures (M-28). #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea #gaylord #cadillac #benzie #traversecity #petoskey
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Good!! Where I’m staying I could throw a snowball on m 28!!

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 10:15 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> Get your snowblowers ready! Heavy snow comes tomorrow. Amounts could push near a foot in the Keweenaw and the Eastern U.P. Plan on slower travel with sloppy roads and poor visibility. Watch the video for the timeline.
FORECAST> www.uppermichiganssource.com/2025/02/27/first-alert-weather-day-some-tomorrow/ #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaGet your snowblowers ready! Heavy snow comes tomorrow. Amounts could push near a foot in the Keweenaw and the Eastern U.P. Plan on slower travel with sloppy roads and poor visibility. Watch the video for the timeline.
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WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> Get your snowblowers ready! Heavy snow comes tomorrow. Amounts could push near a foot in the Keweenaw and the Eastern U.P. Plan on slower travel with sloppy roads and poor visibility. Watch the video for the timeline. 
FORECAST> https://www.uppermichiganssource.com/2025/02/27/first-alert-weather-day-some-tomorrow/ #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 9:59 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via Meteorologist Brad Sugden >> Winter ain't done with us just yet! A vigorous clipper system barrels through tomorrow bringing a nice swath of heavy snow to parts of the UP. The further south you go, the later in the day it'll be. Likely around the evening drive home a burst of snow moves through quickly coating the ground. This is along an arctic cold front that drops our temps for several days. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea #gaylord #cadillac #benzie #traversecity #petoskeyWinter ain't done with us just yet! A vigorous clipper system barrels through tomorrow bringing a nice swath of heavy snow to parts of the UP. The further south you go, the later in the day it'll be. Likely around the evening drive home a burst of snow moves through quickly coating the ground. This is along an arctic cold front that drops our temps for several days.

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WEATHER UPDATE via Meteorologist Brad Sugden >> Winter aint done with us just yet! A vigorous clipper system barrels through tomorrow bringing a nice swath of heavy snow to parts of the UP. The further south you go, the later in the day itll be. Likely around the evening drive home a burst of snow moves through quickly coating the ground. This is along an arctic cold front that drops our temps for several days.  #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea #gaylord #cadillac #benzie #traversecity #petoskey

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Austin Bassett

Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 9:32 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

BACK TO WINTER WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Pacthy freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west early this morning, otherwise light lake effect snow showers are expected north today. Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south central U.P. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaPacthy freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west early this morning, otherwise light lake effect snow showers are expected north today. Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P. Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south central U.P. #906wx #miwx ... See MoreSee Less

BACK TO WINTER WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Pacthy freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west early this morning, otherwise light lake effect snow showers are expected north today.  Widespread moderate to heavy snow is possible late tonight into Friday evening over northern and eastern sections of the U.P.   Rain mixed with snow will keep snow amounts lower over the interior west and south central U.P.  #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Wednesday February 26th, 2025 - 10:12 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Areas of freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west half of Upper Mich. tonight, before lake effect snow showers move in late tonight into Thursday as colder air settles across Lake Superior. There could be some slick conditions through early Thursday morning. There is a better chance of moderate wet snow on Thursday night into Friday. Several inches of wet snow is possible. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaAreas of freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west half of Upper Mich. tonight, before lake effect snow showers move in late tonight into Thursday as colder air settles across Lake Superior. There could be some slick conditions through early Thursday morning. There is a better chance of moderate wet snow on Thursday night into Friday. Several inches of wet snow is possible. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via US National Weather Service Marquette Michigan >> Areas of freezing drizzle could make for slippery conditions over the west half of Upper Mich. tonight, before lake effect snow showers move in late tonight into Thursday as colder air settles across Lake Superior. There could be some slick conditions through early Thursday morning. There is a better chance of moderate wet snow on Thursday night into Friday.  Several inches of wet snow is possible. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

Wednesday February 26th, 2025 - 10:43 am

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> FRIDAY: We're trending to have higher snow accumulations across the north and east. Stay tuned for updated snow projections as this will likely change. Travel will be difficult at times due to consistency and blowing snow causing limited visibility. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsareaFRIDAY: We're trending to have higher snow accumulations across the north and east. Stay tuned for updated snow projections as this will likely change. Travel will be difficult at times due to consistency and blowing snow causing limited visibility. ... See MoreSee Less

WEATHER UPDATE via TV6 & FOX UP >> FRIDAY: Were trending to have higher snow accumulations across the north and east. Stay tuned for updated snow projections as this will likely change. Travel will be difficult at times due to consistency and blowing snow causing limited visibility. #miweather #keweenaw #westernup #marquette #munising #seney #newberry #soo #straitsarea

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Jennifer Goolsby

Derek Andrew ๐Ÿ‘†

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