Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Seney Trail Report – 12/25

SENEY AREA UPDATE via Mater’s Stop -N- Go Gas Station – Wow, Santa definitely came to Seney last night for all of you snowmobilers! Blizzard conditions currently!!! Yahoo!


Hey Guys/Gals,

10:30 pm Update!!!

Trail 431 was groomed today, Groomer Randy told me the trail is in excellent shape from the park and ride along 77, just north of town to Trail 9… 6 plus inches of new snow, base is 4 inches now, no water spots visible anymore…

Groomer Steve W. and Groomer Ryan just returned from the long trip to the Bear Trap and back, they said it was snowing very hard, 5-7 inches of fresh powder had fallen today, they said the base is between 5-8 inches with some dirt showing in between the pines where the snow is not getting to, there are still a few water holes, hopefully they will get frozen up here this coming week with the colder air settling in.

Don’t forget the guys did a water hole repair on Trail 8 with a detour further west all signed with caution so be prepared when riding this section of the trail until further notice.

We won’t be grooming again until after Xmas so be careful out there if you hit the trail and come across the open water spots!

Hope you all have a great Xmas, talk to you all on here soon!


“Where Friends And Trails Meet”


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December 25, 2017 |

Seney Trail Report – 12/23

Hey Guys/Gals,

10:30 pm Update!!!

Trail 431 was groomed today, Groomer Randy told me the trail is in excellent shape from the park and ride along 77, just north of town to Trail 9… 6 plus inches of new snow, base is 4 inches now, no water spots visible anymore…

Groomer Steve W. and Groomer Ryan just returned from the long trip to the Bear Trap and back, they said it was snowing very hard, 5-7 inches of fresh powder had fallen today, they said the base is between 5-8 inches with some dirt showing in between the pines where the snow is not getting to, there are still a few water holes, hopefully they will get frozen up here this coming week with the colder air settling in.

Don’t forget the guys did a water hole repair on Trail 8 with a detour further west all signed with caution so be prepared when riding this section of the trail until further notice.

We won’t be grooming again until after Xmas so be careful out there if you hit the trail and come across the open water spots!

Hope you all have a great Xmas, talk to you all on here soon!


“Where Friends And Trails Meet”


Via Seney Snowmobile Association On Facebook >>>>


Via Mater’s Stop -N- Go Gas Station On Facebook >>>>


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December 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.