Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Cadillac Area Trail Report – Cadillac Trails – 02/16

Tuesday–February 16, 2010

An inch of snow fell overnight and there is a light mist of snow in the air right now. The groomers have been out every day continually working the snow back into the trail. There is lots of snow in the forest and we’re always happy to report when we get more like we did last night.

Snow gauge*: 7 inches

Baldwin / Irons / Cadillac

Hi All. Snow and grooming, snow and grooming and more snow and grooming, this is what winter is suppose to be like, right? Riders in all directions from here, have been reporting good conditions, except some of the curves did get pushed down to the ice from this last weekend. There was some snirt in some of the curves and trail crossings, but has since been covered up from the latest snow. I do have to say, that the grooming clubs have been doing a fantastic job all winter long, making for some great riding for all of us. That is what’s nice around here, we are in the middle of six different grooming clubs, (which we are members of four) and if one club isn’t grooming today, one of the other clubs are grooming today.

We still have a couple rooms and On- site snowmobile rentals available for this week and weekend, so call soon or be left out in the cold. Call 231 745 4101 8am until 10pm.


February 16, 2010 |

Western U.P. Trail Report – Western U.P. Bureau – 02/16

Add a foot of fresh snow to bring our season total to 149.8″ with 22 on the ground. That’s official from the Wastewater treatment plant across the field from our office in Ironwood. Across the country you can expect less in some places-more in others.
Gogebic Range Trail Authority: Groomers are out and all trails are being groomed including 2-8-160-11N and 11S. Overall conditions good-some very good, some fair.(more info on GRTA at: gogebicrangetrailauthority.com)
From Gogebic Area Grooming, covering the Lake Gogebic Area-Groomers are all out double grooming all trails..and with the new snow trails in really good shape and range from good to very good. Logging is still ongoing- so watch for signs and especially logging trucks-pull way over when you see them.
And from the U.P. Thunder Riders of Watersmeet: They received 5 to 6″ of new snow… groomers are out – reporting trails are in good condition.
TOO MANY SERIOUS ACCIDENTS are in the news this year. Many are alcohol and speed related. We want you to have a great time on our trails here in Big Snow Country, so please use your good common sense and save your drinking for after the ride.
ICE: Let us reiterate, there is no such thing as “safe” ice.
If you choose to ride on a body of water, be sure you check with locals in the specific area you intend to ride and get current information on conditions in that area. When you ride on ice, you are doing so at your own risk.

PHOTO REQUEST from us. Thanks to those who’ve responded…keep ’em coming. If you have any neat snomo pictures you’re willing to share, we’re looking for a cover shot for next years map and other marketing uses. Can’t pay but will give a photo credit on inside of map. Send in jpg -300 dpi-to bigsnow@westernup.info. Be aware anything you send will become the property of the WUPCVB so this request is more for amateur photographers…in other words, don’t send anything you may want to sell in the future. Appreciate any help on this.
WATCH FOR GROOMERS Keep in mind the groomers are out both day and night, so watch for them, and PLEASE pull over or at least slow down and wait for the operator to signal you by whenever you see them.
Expect to see more patrols on the trails due to a recent rash of sign vandalism incidents…we’re hearing cameras also may be enlisted in order to apprehend those responsible. If you see any suspicious activity, please call the DNR at 800-292-7800.

February 16, 2010 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.