Friday–January 22, 1010
Groomers are still parked. We haven’t lost much snow but we haven’t gained any either. There is some rain and freezing drizzle predicted for the weekend so we’ll just have to see what happens. Temperatures are supposed begin dropping next week and snow should start accumulating again.
Snow guage*: 5 inches
January 22, 2010 | Cadillac Trails
Good afternoon,
Just a note to let you know the snow is still good in our neck of the woods. We’ve had a group in and they’re really happy with the amount of snow we have.
The trails are still okay. It’s 3:30 pm and the temp is 30, it’s really beautiful.
I’ve asked for a report from those that are here. I’ll let y’all know what they say a little later.
Newberry Trail Report – Halfway Lake Resort – 01/18
Talked with some sledders this afternoon. They said trails in our surrounding area are in good shape. They went to Grand Marais and back enjoying their ride.
It’s been snowing on and off all day, no accumulation, snow and not rain is a good thing. Looks like the temps are cooling back down at least until the weekend.
There’s still time to make a reservation for the weekend.
January 22, 2010 | Halfway Lake Resort