Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Ontonagon Trail Report – Scott’s Superior Inn – 01/22

Right now the trails for the most part are great, the only problems are around towns where the roads are bare, we covered most of the bare spots, and most of the wet spots have froze, that being said, we are suppose to get warmer temps this weekend, with possible freezing drizzle, then turning to all snow by Monday,and snow all next week, so lets keep our fingers crossed.
Scott’s Superior Inn and Cabins , why not stay where the groomer lives.


January 22, 2010 |

Boyne Area Trail Report – Mountainside Inn – 01/22

Mancelona Trail Report
Jordan Valley Trails Council
Updated: 01/22/10
Current Trail Conditions: Fair

The trails are dirty everywhere with bare spots to the north and south of the blue bear.The JVTC groomers will be running today and tomorrow to flatten out what is there for the new snow forcast for sunday.The holes and corners cannot be completely filled without more material to work with.

Petoskey Snowmobile Club – 01/16
Current Trail Conditions: Good to Excellent

We have had a couple days of warmer temps with highs reaching into the 30s. No additional snow for quite a while. The good news is that the trails are really holding up well so far. The base is getting thinner and we are starting to see an occasional bit of "snirt" but overall, the trails are in great shape. It’s a great time to ride.

Both groomers were out last night making things as smooth as possible for you. Because the base is so thin, the groomers had to more or less just skim the surface so as not to pull up any addition dirt and debris. There were several riders out last night taking advantage of the fresh groom. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. The trails are great.

See our trail map at http://www.petoskeysnowmobileclub.org

January 22, 2010 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.