Benzie Area Trail Report – Benzie Bureau – 01/20
Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club – 01/20
CAUTION!!!!! Trails are VERY ICY at night due to the daytime melting!!!!!
Snowbirds, Welcome you back and Thank you for your support on our trails and local businesses also for riding through out our little neck of the woods. We do it all for you, with out your consideration and cooperation it couldn’t happen. Start up your snow dance to Let It Snow*** let it snow****WE are having the NW Council starting at 7 pm at the Clubhouse tomorrow. There’s 6-10 inches crusty snow ground cover on north end; very good condition. On the South end we have 2-7 inches crusty snow ground, good condition. Bear Lake loop will NOT be groomed. Will report when that resumes. The trail on Highbridge Rd. from Old House Rd into the woods on River Rd is mogulley. Slow going there. The trails are slushy in the day and icy at night. We had our first casuality. So REMEMBER RIDE FOR THE CONDITIONS, SLOW DOWN!!!! Due to the warm up the lakes are not safe for snowmobiles or vehicles. Weather forecast is overcast all week, warm temps daytime, and possible light dusting tonight of lake effect snow as cooler temps settle in. Ray Bradley is 2009 Groomer of the year. Way to go Ray!! We wish you all a Happy New Year. Ski slopes are open and ready for your arrival. Hope your sleds are tuned up gassed up and ready for the snowmobile season. Support your winter sport don’t forget to buy your trail permit for 2010 season here. We sell permits through our members or at local merchants in this area and remember to get our trail map. More info on our web about who to contact
Hi all! Still not the greatest news but hanging on! We have not gotten but a dusting to maybe an inch of snow in the last few days but the trails have held up surprisingly well, but the meltdown continues, so its soft and slushy during the day of late and icy as heck at night. Corners are getting thin and more snirty spots cropping up all the time. The north seems to be in a bit better condition that the south of course and I heard the Bearl Lake loop has been groomed now! The groomers are doing a great job with what they have to work with in weather of late! We need snow! Remember the groomers are volunteers so if ya see one, get outta their way and give them a thumbs up. Grooming is done 4 days a week, by 3 groomers at different parts of the trail every Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat. nights, plus "as needed". Drop me a note that you are out there! I love hearing everyone’s stories and reports! THANKS TONS Michael & Ed! appreciate the emails! Remember this report is all of us working it together! BE SAFE, BE SMART, and I’ll SEEYA on the trails! Carol — Benzie Bureau