Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Cadillac Area Trail Report – Cadillac Trails – 01/18

Monday–January 18, 2010

This message from our Trail Coordinator: Due to sun and warm afternoon temps Friday through Sunday, no evening grooming was done. However, all 3 groomers went out Sunday and Monday mornings to try to smooth out the bumps from all of the holiday weekend traffic. The grooming went well both mornings, and most of the trail system held up well. There are some thin spots, and some snirt in places, but overall our system is still holding up. Monday night, we are going to try to smooth out what snow is left on the White Pine Trail from McGuires to Leroy with the hope that is will be smooth when receive some of the Lake Effect snow that is predicted for Monday night and Tuesday. Normal grooming operations are still planned for Tuesday through Thursday, but that may change if we do not receive any more snow. Will somebody please start (continue) doing their snow dances!!!! We need Snow!!!!

Snow gauge*: 5 3/4 inches

January 18, 2010 |

Drummond Island Trail Report – D.I. Resort – 01/18

TREE LINE TO CANADA IS OPEN as of January 16, 2010

Custom’s Office Hours:
Wednesday through Sunday, Noon until 8pm…closed Mon & Tue

Drummond Island Trail Report – 01/12 — Light snowfall this morning.

Overall conditions: Poor
West side of the island is where you want to stay until we get more snow. Trail 493 is good on the south side, going towards Corn Beef JCT. Trail 493 by Sand Bay has water spots yet. We need snow!

Tree Line to Canada opening this weekend!
Customs Hours
Wednesday through Sunday: Noon to 8pm
Monday & Tuesday: Closed

800-999-6343 for reservations

Feb 13-14: MIRA Snowmobile Races on the ice
Feb 13-14: Siberian Dog Sled Races at Drummond Island Resort
Feb 27-28: M.U.S.H. Dog Sled Races at Drummond Island Resort
Mar 20-21: G.L.A.S.S. Vintage Single Cylinder Lemans Style Enduro Snowmobile Races on Drummond Island

Photos are from last year, January 10, 2009.

January 18, 2010 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.