Western U.P. Ride Report – 01/16
Trail Report: The warm weather today definitely didn’t help the trail system. Things got a big ugly in places, read on..
We started out at IndianHead ski resort and down to 11N which was recently groomed, assuming by the ski resort. 11N didn’t appear to have been groomed last night, was a bit choppy, but no water. The chop was pretty much gone once on the east side of 519, much nicer. Good snow but was wet and sticky. South Boundary, aka 11, was nice as usual. We decided not to torture ourselves by going thru Silver City which is never any good and with the warm weather I expected it to be dirt not snirt so we took 102 down to Bergland. 102 was very nice, corners blown out by the amature racers but good overall snow cover and pretty smooth.
Not too much traffic either which is always nice but a few that couldn’t hold their line around the corners and coming at us. I shook my fist as usual, for what its worth. Pretty thin coming into Bergland so we took the spur by Maple Ridge and down to the lake and ran that to town to eat at Antonios. Good lunch as usual.
Back to the lake and headed south, nice and smooth but watch out for the wet slushy spots and the ice heaves. Grabbed #1 to head over to Marenisco which was not in good shape, not much snow, dodged the snirt & dirt all the way, nothing resembled white snow. Not what I would run again until it snows some more.
We didn’t need gas as we planned for it not being open yet but we filled up all 3 sleds to show our support and talked to the new people leasing it to tell them how much we appreciate them getting it back open.
#2 back to Wakefield was pretty good, good snow cover but has had plenty of traffic but nothing that would make you avoid it. I would run back up & down it without hessitation. thru the woods on the other side of the road was good snow cover too but all the curves were pushed out and could use a grooming. #8 back into Wakefield was pretty good too, plenty of snow but choppy from heavy traffic.
Maybe we’ll run to Houghton tomorrow…. Not excited about how it might be coming into Mass City, expecting snirt and dirt, maybe someone can comment on how that is holding up under these warmer temps.