Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 01/13

We enjoyed a great 70 mile ride today. Headed north on trail 7 into Gaylord. A few small ripples along the lake and closer to town. We stopped at Extreme so Mike could pick up a taller windshield. Then on across 27 and rode on to Lovells.

Overall the trails are in good riding shape. After lunch the temp was almost 30 degrees, snow was a bit slippery, and some sliding. The powerline stretch could have been just a litte smoother.. couldn’ quite open it up to full power, but still able to move right along.

Still lots of snow in those open stretches. There is alot of brown snow, especially in those stretches crossing roads, driveways or running along roads. Its a fact, it is dirty snow. It IS Snow! And it rides great, its just no as pretty.

When we headed south out of Lovells a few more corners that were icy and gave me a scare as I slid aound them. Beautiful stretch of smooth flat trail running thru the woods thru Hartwick Pines state property.

Trail 7 from Frederick up to Waters was excellent. I’ve had to listen to Mike scold me for my speed along this stretch. It was easy to do and feel absolutely confident. From Waters to the motel a few bumps.

No sunshine today…. so snow is holding up.

I can’t predict the future. If you’re looking for a weather prediction please check the different weather sites. We can only tell you what we see out our window.

If you’re looking for a snowmobile get away come to the Snowmobilers First Choice. Enjoy the clean rooms, sledders hospitality, and a great breakfast to start your day on the trail. Tomorrows breakfast is a favorite with our guests – biscuits and gravy. Ski Doo Snowmobil Rentals Available. 989-732-4914 or 989-732-2703.

Photo: The Au Sable River in Lovells.

January 13, 2010 |

Boyne Area Trail Report – Mountainside Inn – 01/13

Mancelona Trail Report
Jordan Valley Trails Council
Updated: 01/13/10
Current Trail Conditions: Fair

The trails are a bit tan everywhere. The sand mixed in with the snow keeps it from sticking together,so the grooms will not hold up well.We are running most of the groomers daily.Some are only running as required to help preserve what base we have left. Its warming up and without colder temps and new snow the trails will be done by monday.

Petoskey Snowmobile Club – 01/09
Current Trail Conditions: Good to Excellent

I just climbed out of the groomer after hitting all the northern trails. All of them are in EXCELLENT condition. We have very cold temperatures – in the single digits and even some below zero last night. That is making the snow very dry and powdery. Not good for packing and it kicks up a lot of "dust". Watch your sight distance if you are not the lead sled.

Because the snow is evaporating a bit, the base is getting a little bit thinner. We’re down to probably about six inches before you hit ice. I only saw a few corners where a tiny bit of ice was starting to show and maybe four or five small spots of "snirt". Mostly around the Weber Lake area. On the positive side, there is not enough snow to form any significant moguls so the trails are staying pretty smooth. There were quite a few sleds out enjoying the ride tonight.

The second groomer was grooming the Larry’s Run (Trail 76 South). I saw the fresh groom as we crossed paths. The clubhouse spur and the northwest trails were also done this morning so that means that every trail in the Petoskey system has been groomed today. We’re not going to stop there, though. Both groomers will be out again tomorrow. Enjoy!

See our trail map at http://www.petoskeysnowmobileclub.org

January 13, 2010 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.