Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Ontonagon Trail Report – Scott’s Superior Inn – 01/04

WE got both our groomers up and running , and are grooming every night,we’ve been getting fresh snow every night, and they are calling for snow all week, the only question is “Where’s the snowmobilers?” The traffic has dropped off to near zero, I did an informal survey of resorts, and everyone says the traffic is WAY down.

So here at Scott’s Superior Inn and cabins we are going to give away our lodging for $25 per person per night, to try to convince those of you on the fence ,to give this area a try.We have some of the best trails in the country Check out Scott’s Superior Inn and Cabins for lodging, why not stay where the groomer lives.

January 4, 2010 |

Newberry Trail Report – Visit Newberry – 01/04

Here are the latest reports that we have:

TASA – January 4, 2010 7:00 a.m.

All the members of TASA hope you had a safe and happy holiday Total snowfall overnight was about 4 inches and things are looking great with more snow expected this holiday weekend.

Trail #9 south to Hemlock Ridge road (trail 2) has a 1 -4 inch base and is in good condition.

Trail #9 north is in great condition. The base is 6 – 8 inches and riders are reporting great conditions and alot of snow on the ground.

Trail #45 North is in good shape with a 4-6 inch base, but, there are 2 logging areas on it. One north, and one south, of the Skyline Trail Head. It is plowed and can be rough at times

Trail #2 to Rexton is in good condition with a 1 -3 inch base.

Trail #473 has about 7 miles of plowed road from Rexton south to Epoufette due to logging in the area. Please watch for trucks and deer in the area. The base is marginal to 3 inches and in fair condition.

Trail #473 Rexton to Trout lake is being groomed today to the power lines, It has a 1 -3 inch base and is in good condition.

Town trails are open and in great condition with a 2 – 4 inch base.

*Please remember our groomers are out daily to keep the trails in the best shape they can be for your riding pleasure. Please keep a safe distance from the groomer if possible.*

We have updated the Newberry Village trail map. There are just a couple of changes from the last map. Look for our upcoming article in the February issue of the Michigan Snowmobiler Magazine.




It has been snowing again and the snow gauge now reads a 16″ plus base in the woods, and it’s still snowing. The traffic is low keeping the trails safe and in great shape. Few people and the groomers are out, a fantastic reciepe for a terrific ride.

Call for a special rate for the next 10 days.


Newberry – SnowXRace January 9th.

Tahquamenon Sled Dog Race at Rainbow Lodge January 9th.



Guest that rode to the Falls and then around by Pine Stump reported trails as good with the exception of the section between CR 500 and the Falls. Other guest that rode south said trails were a little on the rough side. Traffic is picking up it seems so hit the trails early.

TASA normally heads out early evening on the North trails and morning on the South trail as it takes longer to groom the South trails. TASA grooms seven days per week weather permitting and no breakdown/problem with groomer(s).


Cathy is down south in South Carolina and no longer able to do this trail report.

You can keep up with Cathy at www.yooperyarns.com


COMFORT INN OF NEWBERRY at www.newberrymichigan.net

GATEWAY MOTEL at www.gatewaymi.com

HALFWAY LAKE at www.halfwaylake.com

PARK-A-WAY www.theeveningstarmotel.com,

January 4, 2010 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.