Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Boyne Area Trail Report – Mountainside Inn – 12/27

Mancelona Trail Report
Jordan Valley Trails Council
Updated: 12/27/2009
Base: 5 inches
Snowfall Past 24 hours: 1 inch
Current Trail Conditions: Good

The Blue Bear is smooth but dirty. The color cannot be improved untill we get a significant snow.There is dirt showing in some corners,and other places its a nice white. We are only grooming every otherday (at least south of m 131)to help preserve what base we have,but if traffic becomes too heavy for this plan,daily grooms may resume.

Petoskey Snowmobile Club – 12/26
Base: 4 inches
Current Trail Conditions: Excellent

Had some rain, freezing rain and warmer temps on Christmas Day. That all resulted in significant melting of the snow base in the area. Luckily, we had a pretty good base before this all happened but you will start to see some icy patches and possibly a little bit of dirt as we get into the weekend. The riding is still good as temperatures have dropped but just watch out for patches of ice.

See our trail map at http://www.petoskeysnowmobileclub.org

December 27, 2009 |

Cadillac / Baldwin Area Trail Report – Wolf Lake Motel and Resort – 12/26

HAPPY HOLIDAYS. – Hi Everyone, I did drive around this morning and was pleasantly suprised at how everything looked. All roads and trails that I could see from my truck were snow covered and looked pretty decent. We did get a flash freeze last night and about a half inch of snow and it’s snowing right now. The forecast for today is 2" to 4" and more through out the weekend and next week, but with any forecast, I’ll believe it when I see it. This is still early season riding and the ground is not completely frozen, so trail conditions can change fast with the temp. Most county roads are snow covered, so getting fuel or food shouldn’t be a problem, except right in the Village of Baldwin where it is getting a little bare. There is tons of snow in the woods, so two tracken and seasonal roads are a blast right now. (Which there are tons of). There is going to be some Ice on the trails and roads, so be careful. THE LAKES ARE NOT SAFE YET.

Rooms and Snowmobile Rentals are available.

We are members of the Cycle Conservation Club of Michigan, Baldwin Trailriders Snowmobile Club, Benzie/Manistee Snowbirds Snowmobile Club, Irons Area Tourist Association Snowmobile Club, Wellston Area Recreation and Tourist Bureau Snowmobile Club, Lake County ORV Club and the Michigan Snowmobile Association, which are the local grooming clubs. I can not thank these guys and gals enough, they do a lot of work for free, so we all can enjoy this sport. I would only think that if someone is complaining about a bumpy trail on Saturday afternoon, come to a couple club meetings and see just what these people do. They would never complain again. Thank you again.

Call 231 745 4101 8am until 10pm. See ya soon on the trails.

December 26, 2009 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.