Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Cadillac Area Trail Report – Cadillac Trails – 12/23

Wednesday 10:00a.m.–December 23, 2009

A message from our Trail Coordinator: “Grooming is ongoing, but at a lesser rate due to lack of snow in the wooded areas. The county seasonal and USFS roads are still in great shape, but the In Town and White Pine trails are getting a little thin in spots. Yesterdays’ 1” of new snow helped to “whiten” things up, but did not make much of a difference on the trails. I would still plan to ride, just be prepared from some snirt and thin areas.

On a different note, one of the groomers incurred major damage yesterday when a tree that was being pushed off of the trail bounced over the top of the front blade and smashed in the front of the tractor, including most of the front lights and hood. Temporary repairs were made to keep the tractor grooming safely on the trails until the new parts are received and installed. Parts and repairs will cost several thousand dollars. These are the types of things that happen to many grant sponsors that the average snowmobiler never knows about.”

Snow gauge: 9.5 inches


Cadillac / Irons - Wolf Lake Motel - December 2009 (Photo)Hi Everyone, it was a high yesterday of 22 degrees and this morning it was 0 degrees. Most all the 20 plus riders on 12-22-09 from the Resort reported good conditions, with just a little snirt on some of the trails. We have been getting a little snow almost everyday, so there is fresh snow for lube, but more is needed for the grooming to continue, so because of this I only rate the trails as fair. The forecast the next couple days is mid twenties during the days and cold at night (2 degrees) until late Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They still are not sure where it’s going to hit and if it’s going to be a snow/sleet/freezing rain and then the temp to drop sharply and snow for the next 3 days after Christmas, but with any forecast, I’ll believe it when I see it. This is still early season riding and the ground is not completely frozen, so trail conditions can change fast with the temp. Most county roads are snow covered, so getting fuel or food shouldn’t be a problem, except right in the Village of Baldwin where it is getting a little bare. There is tons of snow in the woods, so two tracken and seasonal roads are a blast right now. (Which there are tons of). THE LAKES ARE NOT SAFE YET.

December 23, 2009 |

Benzie Area Trail Report – 12/22

Benzie-Manistee Snowmobile Club
Updated: 12/22/2009
Base: 1 to 2 inches
Snowfall Past 24 hours: 1 1/2 inch

Last Grooming: 12/17 between 11pm finished 5:30 am Friday morning. NOT grooming again till we get more snow.

Current Trail Conditions: Fair

There’s 3 to 6 inches ground cover on south end and it’s 4 to 7 inches ground snow on north end. We
received 1½ inches of fluff today on south end and 1 to 2 inch lake
effect on north end. Groomed south and middle section also Bear Lake loop
and finished by 5:30 am Friday morning on north end. Base is some to 2
inches south to middle section and north end all report conditions fair,
base worn thin in areas, some snirty spots, little snow in wooded area.
Weather forecast is temps in high 20’s to low 30’s with possible light
lake effect through week next snow, moving in mid-to weekend possibly a
white Merry Christmas and we wish you a Happy Holiday. Trails are fair
for most part but NOT Grooming any parts of trail until we get snow storm
or receive a lot of lake effect snow. Come enjoy your weekend with us,
hope to see you on our trails. Ride safe and sober makes it fun for all.
Hope your sleds are tuned up gassed up and ready for the snowmobile season.
Support your winter sports fun, don’t forget to buy your trail permit for
2010 season here and pick up our trail map at local merchants.

*** let it snow***  *** let
it snow***

Hi all! Not too much new to report. Decent weekend traffic and warmer temps melted the snow down a bit over the weekend. But we got 2-4 inches more of the fluffy stuff and the temps have dropped. The base is worn a bit thin in some areas, so you’ll find some snirty spots out there but overall 4-5″ base holding up. Groomers have been out and say its looking pretty darn good out there! So keep the fingers crossed and keep your feet moving to the snow dance! Remember the Groomers are volunteers out there so give them the right of way, show your appreciation with a thumbs up as you pass by! Grooming is done 3-4 days a week, by 3 groomers at different parts of the trail, every Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat. nights, plus as needed. FYI – Next Snowmobile Safety class at the Snowbirds Clubhouse is coming up Saturday, January 9, 2010, 8am start, ages 12 and up. It’s Free, & Lunch is provided. Drop me a note to let me know your adventures! I love hearing your reports, your stories, and seeing pics! I’ll let ya know as soon as it changes again! BE SAFE, BE SMART, and I’ll seeya on the trails! CarolB — Benzie Bureau

December 22, 2009 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.