BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club >> 02/15
2/15 am update: get out and ride! All trails were groomed last night and into the early hours of today. Please use caution as groomers will be out again today. Please right ride, ride safe, and ride sober! If you are riding trail 19 towards Hart, there will be a trailstop at candy cane lane (on trail 19 about 4 miles west of trail 320/19 intersection). Please be sure to thank the land owners, the Fredricks, for hosting this trail stop and for allowing us to use their land for this trail and warming stop!
The warming cabin is open at anytime, but food and beverages will be available starting early in the afternoon.
BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club >> 🚨We lost an idler wheel off the tracks on our Hart tractor in the middle of the night last night. If anyone is riding trail 19 between trail 320 west towards Jackson Rd, please keep an eye out for a large metal wheel with rubber on the outside. If you find it please report to us here, or bring it to our clubhouse in Baldwin if you can safely do so! Picture of our track system attached for reference. Thanks! #baldwinarea#snowphotosUPDATE 12pm 2/22: Our missing track idler wheel has been found. We are working to figure out if it salvageable or if we need new parts. Thanks for anyone that kept an eye out for it!
🚨We lost an idler wheel off the tracks on our Hart tractor in the middle of the night last night. If anyone is riding trail 19 between trail 320 west towards Jackson Rd, please keep an eye out for a large metal wheel with rubber on the outside. If you find it please report to us here, or bring it to our clubhouse in Baldwin if you can safely do so! Picture of our track system attached for reference. Thanks! ... See MoreSee Less
BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club >> 2/22 AM Update: All of our trail system was freshly groomed yesterday and overnight. Trails should be flat and in good shape in most areas early today. Pictures are from groomer Paul’s run last night in our middle section, thanks for sharing Paul. Get out and ride! Ride safe, ride right, and ride sober! If you are in the Baldwin area tonight, please join us at the club house at 7PM for our monthly meeting, you do not need to be a member to attend. #baldwinarea#snowphotos... See MoreSee Less
BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club >> 2/20 Update: All 4 of our sections were groomed yesterday! Most of our system is in good shape with a nice flat hard base going into this weekends warm up. On trail 3 between Newaygo and White Cloud, the snow is a bit thinner in this area so we could use more snow. Keep an eye out for our volunteer crew of groomers, as we are scheduled to have all tractors out again today in preparation for an anticipated high traffic weekend. Ride right, ride safe, and ride sober! Keep up your snow dances! #baldwinarea#snowphotos... See MoreSee Less
I was a groomer a few years back I got to watch the sun come up in the morning 0 degree Temps trees wood be all sparkling, but then it was breakfast TIME