BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club >> 03/09
3/9 Update: A few volunteers spent yesterday morning closing gates between the Newaygo Sports park and Baldwin. All gates along trails 3, 320 and 324 are now closed. This is to protect private and public areas from extensive damage from wheeled vehicles and to prevent sections from potential permanent closure. Our observation yesterday, is that the gates do their job at keeping wheeled vehicles from doing extensive damage in the off season, as those areas were pretty smooth. We passed a few side by sides within some of the gated sections that were trespassing yesterday, after they drove right by multiple signs stating “no wheeled vehicles”, which reinforced the reasoning for closing gates now before the warm up! Areas that are un gated have some pretty extensive damage. One section between the M-20 staging area and 7 mile in Newaygo County has deep wheel ruts, giant 2-3ft deep water holes and erosion that is getting out of hand! As you will see in the picture, my 4wd, leveled truck was damaged from almost getting stuck in one of these deep holes! We will be working in the off season to devise a plan to try and get some of these sections repaired. If we are unable to repair some of this damage, their is a risk that some sections will have to be closed due to safety concerns. Please do your part, if you are off roading in any of these legal open forest road sections, please avoid them this time of year and tread lightly when you do decide to venture out. – TRSC Secretary, groomer, and volunteer Brian
BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club >> 3/9 Update: A few volunteers spent yesterday morning closing gates between the Newaygo Sports park and Baldwin. All gates along trails 3, 320 and 324 are now closed. This is to protect private and public areas from extensive damage from wheeled vehicles and to prevent sections from potential permanent closure. Our observation yesterday, is that the gates do their job at keeping wheeled vehicles from doing extensive damage in the off season, as those areas were pretty smooth. We passed a few side by sides within some of the gated sections that were trespassing yesterday, after they drove right by multiple signs stating “no wheeled vehicles”, which reinforced the reasoning for closing gates now before the warm up! Areas that are un gated have some pretty extensive damage. One section between the M-20 staging area and 7 mile in Newaygo County has deep wheel ruts, giant 2-3ft deep water holes and erosion that is getting out of hand! As you will see in the picture, my 4wd, leveled truck was damaged from almost getting stuck in one of these deep holes! We will be working in the off season to devise a plan to try and get some of these sections repaired. If we are unable to repair some of this damage, their is a risk that some sections will have to be closed due to safety concerns. Please do your part, if you are off roading in any of these legal open forest road sections, please avoid them this time of year and tread lightly when you do decide to venture out. - TRSC Secretary, groomer, and volunteer Brian #baldwinarea3/9 Update: A few volunteers spent yesterday morning closing gates between the Newaygo Sports park and Baldwin. All gates along trails 3, 320 and 324 are now closed. This is to protect private and public areas from extensive damage from wheeled vehicles and to prevent sections from potential permanent closure. Our observation yesterday, is that the gates do their job at keeping wheeled vehicles from doing extensive damage in the off season, as those areas were pretty smooth. We passed a few side by sides within some of the gated sections that were trespassing yesterday, after they drove right by multiple signs stating “no wheeled vehicles”, which reinforced the reasoning for closing gates now before the warm up! Areas that are un gated have some pretty extensive damage. One section between the M-20 staging area and 7 mile in Newaygo County has deep wheel ruts, giant 2-3ft deep water holes and erosion that is getting out of hand! As you will see in the picture, my 4wd, leveled truck was damaged from almost getting stuck in one of these deep holes! We will be working in the off season to devise a plan to try and get some of these sections repaired. If we are unable to repair some of this damage, their is a risk that some sections will have to be closed due to safety concerns. Please do your part, if you are off roading in any of these legal open forest road sections, please avoid them this time of year and tread lightly when you do decide to venture out. - TRSC Secretary, groomer, and volunteer Brian ... See MoreSee Less