Michigan Trail Report

Grand Marais Trail Report – Grand Marais Sno-Trails Assoc. – 12/26

Keep in mind, it is early in the season so the trails are not ‘perfect’ yet. The groomers have been out on every trail except 89, so far. There are a couple water holes on Trail 443 they are still trying to get frozen over so they are pulling snow into them as they can. There are small saplings sticking up and you’ll see some small branches and stuff in the trail along with some bare or icy spots. I will be on the road until the 31st, in the meanwhile, you can catch updates from the groomers on our facebook page or the groomer goddesses facebook page.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.