Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 02/23
Well, the ‘word on the street’; although it say ‘the word in the dining room’ this morning is that trails are in great shape, EXCEPT when you are on Gaylord’s trails. It frustrates me to have to report that. We had rotten trails a few weeks ago and after discussion with DNR we thought that was remedied. Obviously, it was just a short term patch. There is plenty of snow. We keep getting an inch to a few inches each day to freshen things up, so the snow isn’t the problem. Its grooming that can’t seem to get it right. We are advising our guests to head south since within a few short miles you can be on the Grayling trails. Everyone that went north yesterday enjoyed the Indian River rides, Jordan Valley rides but once they hit the Gaylord trail things changed drastically. Alot of bumps giving everyone sore bodies this morning.
We will be sharing this report with the DNR who oversees the trail grooming in our area.