Michigan Trail Report

St. Ignace Trail Report – 03/02

Fantastic weekend no doubt about that. A absolute ton of traffic, likely the busiest of the year so far. Moderate temps, with cold nights and light winds gave us great riding over the weekend, but as expected with March riding, the sun and traffic took a bit of a toll on the trails on Saturday. Bob and Dave groomed them up again on Saturday night, but the March riding is here folks. The sun this time of year will work the trails during the day and say traffic will grind away at that base until things get loosed up. For the most park the majority of our snow is still sugary and will move around if it isn’t frozen right down. It is the beast that we have to work with this year for the most part.

The forecast is going to be interesting. Trails are great now, and we are expected to get 3-6″ of system snow tomorrow, with decently cold temps until the weekend. Saturday is calling for 30d day, and cool nights – trails will get tore up for sure, but will be able to groom down nice at night. The long range forecast is calling for a hint at 40d days, so a change from the last month with sub-zero temps. Our guys have been storing snow along the sides of the trails so even if we hit 40d next week, trails will be ridable through the end of the month here.

Speaking of, talking to a few of the board regulars, it sounds like the weekend of the 14th may be the last time that most will be up – so if you are in the neighborhood, look on the forum here to see where dinner and war stories will be told on Saturday night. There will be riders up every weekend, but that will be one of those converging weekends where most forum members are here.

Only 4 more official weekends in the season – make your last few trips Count, and Sled the Straits Area Trails!


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