Michigan Trail Report

St. Helen / Roscommon Trail Report – Saint Helen Snowpackers Club – 01/01

Still not very good out there. We need a good system snow with 6+ inches of good packing snow. The base we have is thin and can be torn up quickly with just a little bit of throttle jockey action. This region of the state needs a good old fashioned snowstorm! While there are some areas that have a fair amount of snow, there has been so much traffic, you will invariably find some snirt too.

We’ve been able to do some panning, but it’s still not good out there. We need more snow to get the base built up.

Please be careful on trail 69 heading toward Roscommon. There is a logging operation going on that will have a direct impact on a section of the trail near St. Helen. The logging company is supposed to be keeping the trail open and ride-able. If you see something that you believe needs specific attention, please contact the Snowpackers via private message on our Facebook page.


Plans are in the works for our 16th Annual Snow Run. Save the date! February 10, 2018!
We are looking forward to a great season with plenty of snow for all of us to enjoy! Stay tuned to this page and our MSA trail report page for honest and realistic trail reports!

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