Grayling Trail Report – Fay’s Motel – 01/14
Greetings Sledders, Let’s talk about the weather shall we. Here’s what I know for sure. I know the co-efficient of expansion and contraction of high density high molecular weight polyethylene and how to mathematically calculate that value. TRAILS: GROOMING: We’ll be back to you with another glowing report when there’s something glowing to report. Ride Often and Please Be Safe, The calculation is .00007 x the length x the delta T from 70 degrees F. At Fay’s Motel enjoy direct access to the Grayling Area snowmobile trails.
I’d like to get into what I KNOW and what I THINK about the weather.
Now here’s what I think. I think based on the 112th weather report that we’ve seen in the last 3 days that our trail system is going to go kaput by sometime this weekend. When exactly the kaputniss will reach it’s pinnacle depends on when the cloud cover goes away and the Sun goes on high beam, and I think that it will reach that point tomorrow afternoon and conditions will rapidly go south from that point in time.
If you plan on riding the trail system anywhere from here to God knows where north of here call first and trust the person you’re talking to because this meltdown seems to be far reaching, can’t speak for other areas, just goes back to the 112th weather report deal mentioned earlier. Off trail will remain a viable here as far as we can tell which lends itself to the what I think part, also mentioned earlier.
Today it became official, I’ve suspended grooming until further notice and I must say that our guys have done a tremendous job with what they’ve had to work with over the last four weeks. Sadly a grooming sabbatical is upon us which means we are now going into maintenance mode. No rest for the unpaid.
Keith, Sandy and The Girls